
2024年牛津译林版英语中考百日冲刺每日一练(第十一周)单项选择 -介词短语辨析(无答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:82次 大小:24948Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考百日冲刺每日一练(第十一周)单项选择 介词短语 每日一练 姓名:_____ 日期:_____ 1. ―What a pity! Mr. Friend can't see you until 4 o'clock. ―Oh, , I won't wait. A. no doubt B. after all C. in the way D. in that case 2.— What do you think of my plan, Lucy — Well, _____ I agree with you. But I think you'd better ask Tom. He may have some different idea. A.in general B.in fact C. in place D. in all 3. —How much did the famous actress pay — About eight hundred million . A. in general B. in fact C. in all D. in place 4. —_____. German cars are of high quality and breakdowns are rare. —That's the case. It's why they are popular around the world. A. In general B. In place C. In all D. In need 5. It’s organized _____ Lucy to keep all her things _____. A. for, at an order B. of, at good order C. for, at good order D. of, in goodorder 6. —_____. German cars are of high quality and breakdowns are rare. —That's the case. It's why they are popular around the world. A. In general B. In place C. In all D. In need 6.—I'm going to England for the summer holiday. Could you tell me how to behave politely in public there —Yes. _____, you should keep your voice down and always queue. A. After all B. First of all C. In all D. If not all 7. —I’m afraid the little boy can’t work out such a difficult maths problem on his own. —Me too. _____, he is only 8 years old. A. In general B. Above all C. After all D. In all 8.--What beautiful flowers! How much do they cost --Fifty yuan _____. A. in all B. at all C. after all D. above all 9. —Well, I’m a bit out of shape, but I’m afraid I can’t keep exercising like this for long. —_____, 20 minutes of exercise is better than nothing. A.In all B. After all C. Not at all D. First of all 10. --What do you think of my plan, Lucy --Well, _____ I agree with you. But I think you’d better ask Tom. He may have some different ideas. A. in general B. in fact C. in all D. in place 每日一练 姓名:_____ 日期:_____ 1. —I want to write a letter to Tony to say sorry to him. —Well, I think it's more polite if you can say sorry to him ____. A.in person B.in public C.in silence D.in a hurry 2. —Some people think that smoking can help them relax. —I don't think so. ____, it's really bad for our health. A.In fact B.In time C.In turn D.In danger 3.I will go around the city of Dalian by light-rail vehicle(轻轨) subway because I haven't taken it before. A.instead of B.in the face of C.along with D.across from 4.—The Wandering Earth (流浪地球) tells us a story about how people tried to save the earth. —Yes. In the film humans chose to stay with the earth running away from it. A.because of B.together with C .such as D.instead of 5. , I found the job boring, but soon I got used to it. A.To start with B.First of all C.Without doubt D.After all 6.Many wild animals are , and it's time for us to do whatever we can to protect them. A.on duty B.on show C.in order D.in danger 7.一 ,there must be life on ... ...

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