
Module 1 Unit 2 It's a long story课件(共33张PPT)九年级英语下册(外研版)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:94次 大小:15631056Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 仓颉之初作书盖依类象形故谓之文其形声相益即谓之字文者物象之本字者言孳乳而浸多也著于竹帛谓之仓颉之初作书盖依类象形故谓之文其形声相益即谓之字文者物象之本字者言孳乳而 Unit 1 It's a long story Module 1 Discuss in groups: Do you like travelling How do you travel Which way of travelling do you like best Can you tell a story about your holiday trip Is it interesting or boring Do you like to travel by train Watch the video and say something about your journey by train. □1. … gets up and starts to … □2. … looks for his ticket… □3. … goes past people… □4. … gets on the train… Look at the expressions from the play in Activity 2. What do you think the play will be about The play is about a journey by train. Work in groups. Try to make a short play according to your guessing. Who can make the most wonderful story Train *** Do you know how to say these in English 座位号:Seat 18 aisle n. 通道;过道 Car 118 中铺 middle berth 上铺 upper berth 下铺 lower berth 2. Read the play and number the expressions in Activity 1 in the order they appear. □1. … gets up and starts to … □2. … looks for his ticket … □3. … goes past people … □4. … gets on the train … 3 2 4 1 1) Where are Li Lin and Li Wei a) They are at home. b) They are at the railway station. c) They are on the train. d) They are in a car. 2) Who is Li Wei a) She is Li Lin’s sister. b) She is Li Lin’s friend. c) He is Li Lin’s father. d) He is Li Lin’s classmate. 3. Watch the flash and then choose the correct answer. 3) Why is the elderly man sitting in Li Lin’s seat a) Because he did not buy a ticket. b) Because he is too tired to move. c) Because he thinks it is his seat. d) Because he cannot find his seat. 4) What does the elderly man want to do a) Take the seat. b) Go and find Car 9. c) Change seats with Li Lin. d) Buy another ticket. 5) What does Li Lin decide to do a) Take the seat from the elderly man. b) Ask the ticket officer for help. c) Change seats with the elderly man. d) Get off the train. 6) Who does Li Lin meet in Car 9 a) Li Wei. b) Another elderly man. c) His friend. d) His classmate. ( )1. Li Lin will not come back until the Spring Festival. ( )2. The elderly man hears Li Lin’s words clearly at the beginning. ( )3. The ticket officer checks the elderly man’s ticket and finds he takes the wrong seat. ( )4. The elderly man thinks Li Lin is stupid. ( )5. Wen Peng is surprised to see Li Lin on the train. True (T) or false (F). T F T F T doesn't hear good Li Lin’s trip How he travels What happens during the trip _____ _____ takes his seat. He offers to _____. He meets _____. An elderly man change seats with him his friend By train. Read the passage again and fill in the blanks. 1 2 3 4 5 Check your answers. 跟……说再见 保重;当心 寻找 准备好…… 穿过人群 对……感到惊奇 脱掉 恐怕…… Pay attention to the following expressions. Translate the following expressions into English. 1. 跟……说再见 2. 保重;当 ... ...

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