

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:90次 大小:8251039Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 英语试题讲评 (阅读理解、七选五、语法填空、应用文写作、读后续写) 太原市2024年高三年级模拟考试(一) 第一部分 阅读理解-A篇 主题语境:“人与自我—生活与学习—个人、社区生活” 语篇类型:应用文 语篇内容:London Play组织开展play street活动的相关介绍。 考查题型:细节理解(21、22、23) 21. What is the purpose of “a play street” A. To prevent traffic jams. B. To strengthen community bonds. C. To explore kids’ artistic potential. D. To involve children in structured plays. ① ② initiative n. 倡议 a new plan for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a particular purpose 22. What is a must to hold the event A. Raising funds. B. Announcing instructions. C. Posting the safety regulations. D. Asking for authorities’ approval. 易错 Safety barriers 23. Which activity is intended for both kids and adults A. Game Areas. B. Arts and Crafts Seating. C. Swapping Corner. D. Snack and Refreshment Station. potluck n. 百味餐(参加者带食物分享) a meal to which each guest brings some food, which is then shared out among the guests 第一部分 阅读理解-B篇 主题语境:“人与社会—社会服务与人际沟通—公益事业与志愿服务” 语篇类型:记叙文 语篇内容:摄影师Rita Nannini重回纽约后在地铁始发站和终点站拍照的经历及思考。 考查题型:推理判断(24、26) 段落主旨(25) 标题选择(27) 24. How did Nannini find the New York subway during her revisit A. It turned out fine. B. It was depressing. C. It still held the same bad reputation. D. It would be her only commuting option. ① absence makes the heart grow fonder 不相见,倍思念 a thing that you keep or give to sb to remind you or them of a person or place The 1 Train 纽约地铁1号线标志为“1”并以红圆为底,全年无休24小时营业。1号线于1904年10月27日开始自145街驶至市政府,行经百老汇、42街、公园大道及拉法叶街等地。 Pizza Rat 啮齿动物 25. What is paragraph 2 mainly about A. The diversity of New Yorkers’ daily life. B. The inspiration for Nannini’s subway shots. C. The popularity of “End of the Line” challenge. D. The challenges of Nannini’s job as a photographer. ② a walk of life 行业;地位 a person's job or position in society She has friends from all walks of life. 她在社会各界中都有朋友。 26. What can we infer from Nannini’s “End of the Line” experience A. Her way of telling stories is traditional. B. She expressed sympathy for the subway riders. C. Her photography is highly expected by the encounters. D. She found life on tracks was more interesting than life on wheels. ⑥ ① 27. Which of the following is the best title for the text A. “End of the Line” Challenge: A New Trend in NY Subways B. The Road Home: Rita Nannini’s Record of her Subway Ride C. Last Stop to New Start: A Photographer’s Rediscovery of NY Subways D. New Yorkers’ Routine: A Surprising Mixture of Boredom and Excitement ② ③ The inspiration for Nannini’s subway shots Some details about Nannini’s subway shots ④ 27. Which of the following is the best title for the text A. “End of th ... ...

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