
Unit 8 Fashion 第4课时 Section B(1a-1d)课件(共20张PPT)七年级英语上册(牛津译林版)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:43次 大小:11593084Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 仓颉之初作书盖依类象形故谓之文其形声相益即谓之字文者物象之本字者言孳乳而浸多也著于竹帛谓之仓颉之初作书盖依类象形故谓之文其形声相益即谓之字文者物象之本字者言孳乳而 Unit 8 When is your birthday Section B 1a-1d Quick response. When is … It’s on December 25th. It’s on September 10th. It’s on October 1st. It’s on June 1st. It’s on March 8th. Do you like your school life Why friends teachers art festival soccer game school events / activities … 1.What can you see in the picture 2.What are they doing 3.What school event is it basketball game school trip party English test Sally’s calendar basketball game school trip party English test A: When is Sally’s basketball game B: It’s on November 2nd. Pair work 1. __ English test 3. __ school trip 2. __ party 4. __ basketball game Match the pictures with the events. 1a d c b a Check like this: Look at picture d, it’s an English test. Do you know more school events events test party trip game … math test Chinese test … birthday party Christmas party family trip bus trip soccer game volleyball game … … … John Sally John and Sally are talking about John’s events. Listen and circle the events you hear in 1a. 1b Check like this : I circled party. John’s calendar Listen again. Fill in John’s calendar. 1c How do we write quickly Write the letter first and then complete the answer. basketball game school trip English test school trip Check like this: Sally’s birthday party is on October 5th. John: Hey, Sally. Can I ask you some questions? Sally: Sure, John. John: When is your birthday party Sally: My birthday party is on October 5th. John: OK, and when is the basketball game Sally: The basketball game Oh, it’s on October 2nd. John: Good. And, umm, how about the school trip Sally: The school trip is on September 26th and 27th. John: And when is the English test Sally: Oh, that’s on Friday, September 29th. John: OK. Thank you! Listen and imitate. P73 Ask questions in different ways. Pairwork Ask and answer questions about John’s calendar. 1d A: When is Sally’s birthday party B: It’s on October 5th. Let’s design our own calendar. Write down four events and how you think of them. interesting, fun, difficult, boring, easy, cool… Chinese test difficult John: Hey, Sally. Can I ask you some questions Sally: Sure, John. John: When is your birthday party Sally: My birthday party is on October 5th. John: OK, and when is the basketball game Sally: The basketball game Oh, it’s on October 2nd. John: Good. And, umm, how about the school trip Sally: The school trip is on September 26th and 27th. John: And when is the English test Sally: Oh, that’s on Friday, September 29th. John: OK. Thank you! Pairwork Exchange your calendar with your partner, ask and answer. Report Hello, everyone. This is my calendar. Our school has many events these in December. The …is on …. I think it’s interesting. … Welcome to our school. Language points 仓颉之初 ... ...

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