
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 History and Tradition Listening and Talking教案(表格式)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:99次 大小:18518Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 History and Tradition Listening and Talking教案 文本分析: 本课时主要包含一段对话类听力,主要内容为Xiao Yuan和Paul两人谈论对于平遥这一历史景点的旅游感受。通过Xiao Yan发问,两人共同讨论了平遥当地的多个旅游景点,并表达了对于平遥各旅游景点的感受。文中重点呈现了表达情感态度的词汇。 教学策略与设计说明: 采用任务型教学法(Task-based language teaching),布置活动任务,设置活动目的,引导学生完成相关任务,达成各个教学步骤的设计目的。 教学目标: 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 语言能力上,掌握情感态度表达的词汇,对于历史类旅游景点发表自身的看法。 思维品质上,通过小组活动及问题回答,提高学生思维的活力,独立表达自身观点,培养批判性思维。 文化品格上,了解中国古代城市的基本样貌,增进对于中国传统文化的了解,提高文化自信。 学习能力上,学会听前预测,在听的过程采用精准抓取信息的方式,提取相应文本信息。 教学重点: 学生能够用unexpected, amazing, I can’t believe这类词汇表达自身对于景点的感受。 学生能够进行准确的听前预测。 教学难点: 学生能够运用所学口头表达出自身的观点和感受。 学生能够在听力文本中准确抓取需要的信息。 教学资源:黑板、粉笔、多媒体 教学过程: 步骤 教学活动 设计意图 时间 Step 1 Lead-in T displays a photo of a backpacker, and asks students questions: do you know who she is and what’s your impression towards backpackers. T leads students to analyse the main information of the photo and make sense of the topic for the lesson. Then T asks Ss would you like to be a backpacker for visiting somewhere for rousing Ss’ thinking and discussing. 通过询问学生是否知道“背包客”;激活学生已知信息,引发学生思考及兴趣。 5’ CW/IW Step 2 Listen and tick T introduces the backpacker, international youth hotel and Pingyao to help students know more cultural elements in the questions. Then, T leads Ss to classify these places into natural sites and historical sites. Next, T plays the recording for the first time. Alternatively, T can check the answers, but not repeating the recording. T shows pictures to help students have a better understanding for these places and good preparation for following tasks. 教师通过解释题干关键词,引入听力语篇语境,教授选项分类法为听力做好准备,提高学习能力,训练学生抓取关键信息的能力,提高语言能力。 15’ CW Step 3 Listen and complete Before doing the second task, T asks Ss to think about how to use words to express feelings that are divided into positive, negative and neutral sentiment. Then T needs to lead Ss to know how to get someone’s feelings according to their speech or sentences contents. Next, T highlights the key information to prepare the task and remind Ss to take care the past perfect tense and adjectives etc. Then, T plays the recording second time and analyse it sentence by sentence. 听第二遍对话,学生自行描述听力中二人的感情变化,深入体会表达情感的不同方式,为后续口语表达提供语言支持,提高学生在不同语境下表达情绪的方式。 20’ CW Step 4 Language points T explains the key words and expressions in the text with pictures and contexts, especially the expressions that describe people’s feelings. Ss take notes. 运用图片及语境讲解听 ... ...

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