
2023-2024学年牛津版(深圳-广州)英语九年级上册Unit 5~Unit 8词形转换渐进式训练(含答案)

日期:2024-07-03 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:35次 大小:23249Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5~Unit 8 一层 词形转换单词练 1. usual—_____(反义词)—_____(副词) 2. happy—_____(反义词)—_____(副词)—_____(名词) 3. polite—_____(反义词)—_____(副词)→_____(反义词) 4. possible—_____(反义词)—_____(副词) 5. lucky—_____(反义词)—_____(名词)—_____(副词) 6. necessary—_____(反义词)      7. general—_____(副词) 8. humorous—_____(名词) 9. terrible—_____(副词) 10. lazy—_____(名词) 11. ill—_____(近义词)—_____(名词) 12. silent—_____(名词) 13. important—_____(名词) 14. different—_____(名词) 15. confident—_____(名词) 1. care—_____(形容词)→_____(反义词)—_____(副词)→_____(反义词) 2. health—_____(形容词)—_____(副词)—_____(反义词) 3. America—_____(形容词) 4. Australia—_____(形容词) 5. England—_____(形容词) 6. China—_____(形容词) 7. education—_____(形容词) 8. person—_____(形容词) 9. tradition—_____(形容词) 10. ice—_____(形容词) 1. end—_____(名词)    2. begin—_____(名词)    3. weigh—_____(名词) 4. please—_____(形容词,修饰人)—_____(形容词,修饰物)—_____(名词) 5. relax—_____(形容词,修饰人)—_____(形容词,修饰物) 6. surprise—_____(形容词,修饰人)—_____(形容词,修饰物) 7. amaze—_____(形容词,修饰人)—_____(形容词,修饰物) 8. solve—_____(名词) 9. win—_____(名词)—_____(过去式)—_____(过去分词) 10. beat—_____(过去式)—_____(过去分词) 11. draw—_____(过去式)—_____(过去分词)—_____(现在分词) 12. agree—_____(反义词)—_____(名词) 13. direct—_____(名词) 14. write—_____(名词) 15. view—_____(名词) 16. act—_____(名词) 17. wait—_____(名词) 18. congratulate—_____(名词) 二层 词形转换语境练 一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. _____(luck), the next day, we were able to give the time to some of the activities on our Fun List. 2. He always tells us some _____(interest) stories when he has a rest. 3. The weather in _____(English) is different from that of Scotland. 4. The final exam is coming, but you seem _____(relax). 5. Peter has the gift for performing, and he wants to be an _____(act) in the future. 6. They were _____ in the _____(interest) news. 7. To make his mother happy, Tony _____(win) first prize in the competition. 8. You should do more exercise and eat more vegetables to lose _____(weigh). 9. Mr Li was quite _____(please) with our work and praised us at the meeting. 10. She is very _____(humor), and I like that about her. 11. The wall of the house is very dirty, so he wants to do some _____(paint). 12. The _____(silent) was broken by a loud noise. 13. The parents must be very _____(care) when their young child is near water. 14. Yellow can bring people _____(happy), energy and excitement. 15. Protecting the Internet information can help with our _____(person) and country's Internet safety. 16. The _____(solve) to the problem suddenly came to me. 17. —I got first prize in the match! —_____(congratulate)! 二、从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空。 different polite beat amaze wide terrible heavy direct important agree 1. Internet safety is of great _____ in today's world. 2. Speaking aloud in public ... ...

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