
2023-2024学年牛津版(深圳-广州)英语九年级上册Unit 1~Unit 4 词形转换渐进式训练(含答案)

日期:2024-07-03 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:28次 大小:21720Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1~Unit 4 一层 词形转换单词练 1. truth—_____(形容词)_____(副词)     2. mistake—_____(复数) 3. person—_____(形容词) 4. humor—_____(形容词) 5. business—_____(名词) 6. type—_____(形容词) 7. advantage—_____(反义词) 8. prison—_____(名词) 1. agree—_____(名词)—_____(反义词) 2. decide—_____(名词) 3. worry—_____(形容词) 4. please—_____(形容词1)—_____(形容词2)—_____(名词) 5. achieve—_____(名词) 6. act—_____(名词1)—_____(名词2)—_____(名词3) —_____(形容词) 7. reduce—_____(名词) 8. set—_____(过去式)—_____(过去分词)—_____(现在分词) 9. invite—_____(名词) 10. cost—_____(过去式)—_____(过去分词) 11. suggest—_____(名词) 12. fail—_____(名词) 13. lie(躺)—_____(过去式)—_____(过去分词)—_____(现在分词) 14. regret—_____(过去式)—_____(过去分词) 1. real—_____(副词) 2. golden—_____(名词) 3. correct—_____(副词)—_____(反义词) 4. certain—_____(副词) 5. brave—_____(副词)—_____( 名词) 6. exact—_____(副词) 7. ashamed—_____(动词) 8. polite—_____(反义词)—_____(副词) 9. embarrassed—_____(动词)—_____( 名词) 10. mad—_____(比较级)—_____(最高级) 11. annoying—_____(动词)—_____(形容词) 12. careless—_____(反义词)—_____(名词) 13. difficult—_____(名词)—_____(副词) 二层 词形转换语境练 一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. It is a _____(real) interesting story. 2. I'll try my best to find out the _____(true). 3. Your answer is wrong. You can ask Kate for help. She answered the question _____(correct). 4. I can't stand people with no sense of _____(humorous). 5. The man is not afraid of anything and he is _____. He is a person who is full of _____. (brave) 6. —What does your father think of the result of the test —He will be _____(please)with it because I have never got such a high mark. 7. I think it is _____(polite) to ask someone's age. 8. Mary is so _____(care) that she always leaves her homework at home. 9. —Mum, must I be a teacher like you when I grow up —No, you needn't. You can make your own _____(decide). 10. Nowadays, nearly everyone has a _____(person) computer. 11. Thank you for your kind _____(invite), but I am so sorry I can't go. 二、从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空。 A 1. In the past few years, China has made great _____ in science and technology. 2. The words of the opera were difficult to understand, but the _____ were excellent. 3. The thief was finally found and sent to _____. 4. We need the head teacher's _____ to carry out the plan. 5. You should remember the details _____. B 1. Bike sharing is very useful in our daily life, although it has some _____. 2. Don't be _____ about your son. He has grown up. 3. Joining a club is a _____ chance for children to make friends. 4. I tried to calm down, but my friend's words drove me even _____. 5. It's time to put Alice's _____ into practice. 三层 词形转换语篇练 短文填空。 A(有两项多余) lie difficult worry regret annoy do embarrass mistake thin work laugh sad   Anna is 1. _____ about her friend Jolin. She's thin, but she thinks she's fat, because she want ... ...

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