
Unit3 Back to the past Integrated skills(1) Listening and reading 课件(共25张PPT,内镶嵌视频)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:79次 大小:13555174Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Back to the past Integrated skills (1)— Listening and Reading 1. Learn something about a popular history book through listening; 2. Learn how to recognize paraphrasing in listening; 3. Grasp the features of popular history books. Learning objectives Reviewing the past enables us to learn about the law governing the evolution of history. (以史为鉴,可以知兴替。) Lead-in What type of history book do you like to read I am interested in history books which describe historical figures or events in a simple and interesting way. I hope to gain some historical knowledge after reading these books. Alan is introducing his favourite popular history book. Listen and finish the exercises below. Listening Tip Recognizing paraphrasing Paraphrasing means rewriting a small section of a text in your own words which may be longer than the original article. How do we recognize paraphrasing First read the statements carefully and identify keywords and phrases that might help you listen for the information you need. When listening, look out for the synonyms for those words or phrases. (1) The book is about the Song Dynasty. T / F (2) In the first week, the book sold 5,000 copies. T / F (3) The author has tried her best to ensure that the facts are accurate. T / F (4) The author provides many thoughtful comments on some events. T / F (5) Alan thinks that there is a new trend towards reading popular T / F science books. Identify keywords and phrases of the following statements in preparation for recognizing paraphrasing. (1) The book is about the Song Dynasty. T / F (2) In the first week, the book sold 5,000 copies. T / F (3) The author has tried her best to ensure that the facts are accurate. T / F (4) The author provides many thoughtful comments on some events. T / F (5) Alan thinks that there is a new trend towards reading popular T / F science books. A1 Listen to the introduction and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (1) The book is about the Song Dynasty. T / F (2) In the first week, the book sold 5,000 copies. T / F (3) The author has tried her best to ensure that the facts are accurate. T / F (4) The author provides many thoughtful comments on some events. T / F (5) Alan thinks that there is a new trend towards reading popular T / F science books. Check your answers A2 Listen to the introduction again and complete the notes below. My favourite popular history book Writing style The author turns (1) _____. She (2) _____ of historical figures or events. Her language is (3) _____. My favourite popular history book Factual accuracy The author has referred to many academic history books to (4) _____. (5) _____ on the same event have been considered. (6) _____ have been compared. Influence on me The author has inspired me to (7) _____ on certain topics. I am eager to (8) _____. My favourite popular history book Writing style The author turns (1) _____. She (2) __ ... ...

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