
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Extended reading课件(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:85次 大小:5680271Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Extended reading Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Ⅰ.明文章大意 1.What type of writing is the text A.Narrative writing. B.Argumentative writing. C.Expository writing. D.Practical writing. Step 1 速读———整体理解文意 √ 2.What’s the main idea of the passage The main idea of the passage is . the value of science Ⅱ.悉层次结构 Skim the text and get the main idea of each part. Part 1(Paras.1-2): . Part 2(Paras.3-6): . Part 3(Para.7): . Introducing the topic The value of science Duties of scientists Ⅰ.Introduction(Paras.1-2) Introducing the topic Read Paras.1-2 carefully and do the following exercises. 1.How did the author introduce the topic A.By asking a question. B.By making a comparison. C.By giving an example. D.By quoting a famous saying. Step 2 细读———逐段获取细节 √ 2.What made the author change his attitude to science’s value A.His common sense. B.His research on science. C.His knowledge about science. D.His experience during the war. √ 3.What’s the author’s attitude to science during the war A.Positive. B.Negative. C.Neutral. D.Indifferent. √ Ⅱ.Main body(Paras.3-6) The value of science Read Paras.3-6 carefully and do the following exercises. 1.Summarize 3 points of the value of science. Para.3:The first value:_____ _____ Para.4:Another value:_____ Paras.5-6:The third value:_____ Scientific knowledge enables us to do and make all things. It can provide the intellectual enjoyment. Scientists should have the freedom to doubt. 2.What can we learn from the third paragraph A.Scientific knowledge always enables us to do good things. B.Scientific knowledge always enables us to do bad things. C.Scientific knowledge enables us to do good things or bad things. D.Scientific knowledge always tells us how to apply it. √ 3.According to Feynman,who should be blamed if the power of science is used to do something bad 答案 It is not the science,but the man misusing it that should be blamed. 4.What does “it” in the following sentences refer to Choose the best answer. Of course,if we make good things,① it is not only to the credit science;②it also to the credit of the moral choice which let us to good work.Scientific knowledge is an enabling power to do either good or bad—but ③it does not carry instructions on how to apply ④it.Such power has obvious value—even though the power may be negated by what one does with ⑤it. A.making good things B.an enabling power C.scientific knowledge D.the first way 答案 ①② A ③④⑤ C 5.What does intellectual enjoyment include Find out words or phrases positive in meaning. 答案 Feel the excitement and mystery;more wonderful mystery;inspiring;with pleasure and confidence;wonderful questions and mysteries;fantastic. 6.What does “the intellectual enjoyment” mean according to Richard A.Science is great fun and people take delight in learning science. B.Science is complex and can help people become clever ... ...

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