
Unit 1 What's he like? PB Let's talk 课件 +音视频

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:88次 大小:6284646Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 What’s he like? 第三课时小学英语(PEP)五年级上册PreviewPreview-Who’s the woman in the picture? -She is our … -Is she …? -… PreviewPreviewPreview枫桥夜泊 —张继-Who’s the woman in the picture? -She is our … -Is she …? -… PresentationMs LiuPresentationwill 将要It’s sunny today. It will be rainy tomorrow.Presentationsometimes 有时PresentationMswillsometimesLet’s talk A new Chinese teacher will be in Chen Jie’s class. Now Chen Jie and John are talking about the new Chinese teacher. What are they talking about?Let’s try□Chen Jie’s mom□Amy’s mother□strict□kind□music teacher□Chinese TeacherListen and tick.Task 1□sometimes=有时候□ will be = 将会Let’s talk□Chen Jie’s mom□Amy’s mother□strict□kind□music teacher□Chinese TeacherRead and talk in pairs.Task 21. Who will be the new Chinese teacher? 2. What’s Ms Wang like? 3. Does Chen Jie know Ms Wang? Ms Wang.She’s kind.Yes, she does.再听一遍,回答问题。Let’s talkRead after the tape.Let’s talkFill in the blanks.Where is my teacher? She is at home. She is my mom. She can teach me how to cook.Where is my teacher? He is in the park. He is my dad. He can teach me how to ride a bike.Where is my teacher? She is at school. She is my friend. She can teach me how to play.Where is my teacher? It is in my hand. It is my book. It can teach me how to learn.Where is my teacher? It is in my arms. It is my dog. It can teach me how to love.Teachers are everywhere. I can learn different things from different teachers. Thank you,_____! Thank you,_____! Thank you,_____! Thank you,_____! Thank you,_____! Thank you, teachers around me! my mothermy fathermy booksmy little puppymy friends(不同的老师)Pair workfunny kind quiet strict nice friendlyWhat are your teachers / friends like? Talk with your partner.A: What’s Chen Jie like? B: She’s qiuet. Thanks! 谢谢!

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