
2024年高考英语名校真题二轮零失误规范训练专题05【T8一模】完形填空最新真题模拟16篇(干货 模拟)(原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-09-08 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:63次 大小:145298Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    《2024年高考英语名校真题二轮零失误规范训练》(T8专用) 专题05 完形填空最新真题模拟16篇(干货+模拟) 解析版 技能专区:冲刺备考名师提醒,洞悉高考命题规律,提供高效提分干货 一、落实“三读法” 1.初读把握大意,找到明显答案;2.细读逐空确定,疑难空做标记;3.复读解决疑难选项,从整体出发 二、重视词语复现五种类型 1.原词复现;2.近义词复现;3.同义词复现;4.反义词复现;5.同根词复现。 三、掌握词语辨析三大招 一看选项词义,二看选项搭配,三看语境逻辑。 四、完形填空训练三部曲 第一部:规范限时训练,提高正答率;第二部:及时核对答案,查漏补缺快;第三部:收集疑难词汇,要举一反三 五、规范训练目标:做标记,留痕迹;零失误;限时6分钟/每篇。 模拟专区:做好题才有好成绩!练技能,补漏洞,提分数,强信心! (2024·广东·一模)Summer Clayton may not have children in real life, but he’s “a proud dad” to 2.8 million people on the Internet. Every week, he sits down to dinner and has a 1 chat with his “kids”. He looks into the camera and asks about their day. He 2 them how to shave, and reminds them it’s OK to be 3 when life hurts. To some, his one-way conversations may seem 4 . But his efforts have struck a chord (引起共鸣) among people who 5 a father figure — or just someone who listens to their 6 in the daily life. Clayton is a civilian fitness trainer in real life. He started 7 on the Internet in late 2020 with inspirational and how-to videos, and 8 jokingly called him “dad”. His first video to go viral was a shaving how-to — a 9 to someone who sent him a message asking, “Hey Dad, can you teach me how to shave ” The video 10 , earning him tens of thousands of new fans within hours. Clayton’s extended family comes in all 11 . Many of his “kids” are old enough to be his parents. Clayton’s 12 doesn’t seem to bother his fans. At 58, Sarah D’Imperio may not seem like Clayton’s target audience, but she believes that it’s a(n) 13 idea, especially for youngsters who may not have a paternal (父亲的) role model that listens or has 14 to listen. “It’s just heartwarming to see someone trying to 15 a small part of that role for anyone,” she says. 1.A.quick B.formal C.secret D.virtual 2.A.trains B.convinces C.teaches D.supports 3.A.painful B.peaceful C.shameful D.hopeful 4.A.dull B.tough C.silly D.brief 5.A.find B.need C.admit D.start 6.A.decisions B.hobbies C.excuses D.troubles 7.A.posting B.profiting C.searching D.donating 8.A.critics B.followers C.experts D.reporters 9.A.suggestion B.promise C.reward D.response 10.A.caught up B.came out C.blew up D.held out 11.A.places B.ages C.types D.classes 12.A.faith B.experience C.youth D.appearance 13.A.brilliant B.ambitious C.complicated D.abstract 14.A.luck B.time C.energy D.honor 15.A.value B.create C.define D.fill 【答案】1.D 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了Summer Clayton虽然在现实世界中没有孩子,但他通过在网上扮演父亲的形象和孩子说话,发布了许多具有启发性、指导性的的视 ... ...

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