
Unit 1 Welcome back to school! A Let’s talk & Let’s learn 课件(共32张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:37次 大小:29188501Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit1 Welcome back to school 人教版三年级下册 Welcome back! 欢迎返校! Nice to see you again. Nice to see you, too. Unit 1 Welcome back to school! A Let’s talk & Let’s learn 人教版PEP三年级下册 Let’s sing. Look and say. Who are they 他们是谁? We have two new friends today. Watch and answer. Who are the two new friends Watch and answer. Who are the two new friends? 两个新朋友是谁? Amy and Zhang Peng. new friends 新的朋友 new 新的 a friend two friends Listen and answer. Where are Amy and Zhang Peng from Amy is from_____. Zhang Peng is from_____. the UK Shandong Hi! I'm Amy. I'm from the UK. 大本钟(Big Ben),世界上著名的哥特式建筑之一,伦敦的标志性建筑,2012年6月,英国宣布把伦敦著名地标"大本钟"的钟楼改名为"伊丽莎白塔"。 the UK Hi! I’m Zhang Peng. I'm from Shandong. I’m from Qingdao. I’m from Shandong. I’m from China. 中国 China / / I’m from +地名. 我来自…… 欢迎! Listen and imitate. Boys and girls, we have two new friends today. Hi, I’m Amy. I’m from the UK. Hi, I’m Zhang Peng. I’m from Shandong. Welcome! Fill in the blanks. ____ and ____, we have two ____ ____ today. Boys girls new friends Fill in the blanks. Hi, I’m ____. I’m from ___ ___. Hi, I’m ____. ___ ____ Shandong. Amy the UK I’m from _____! Welcome Zhang Peng Look and say. Mike is from_____. Sarah is from_____. Canada the USA the CN Tower 加拿大国家电视塔(the CN Tower) 1995年,被美国土木工程协会收入世界七大工程奇迹,该塔被认为是多伦多的地标。 Canada 自由女神像是被劫的罗马自由女神的雕像,位于美国纽约港。 the USA Let’s chant. Let’s chant. A new term is coming. You are a new student in a new class. Your classmates want to make friends with you. Please make a new dialogue according to the given pictures. Oral practice. A new term is coming. You are a new student in a new class. Your classmates want to make friends with you. Please make a new dialogue according to the given pictures.(新学期你是班上的新同学,同学们想要跟你交朋友,请你根据图片完成对话吧!) Oral practice. Hi, I’m ____. I’m from _____. What about you Hi, I’m _____. I’m from _____. Peter Amy Peter China Amy the UK Oral practice. Hi, I’m ____. I’m from _____. What about you Hi, I’m _____. I’m from _____. Sam Mike Sam the UK Mike Canada Oral practice. Hi, I’m ____. I’m from _____. What about you Hi, I’m _____. I’m from _____. Wu Yifan Lily Wu Yifan China Lily the USA Make an Information Card. There is a star list in your new classroom. Try to make an information card to let more classmates get to know you.(在你的新教室有一张班级明星榜,请你制作一张信息卡张贴在上面吧!) Make an Information Card. Hi, I’m Mike. I’m 8 years old. I’m from Canada. Homework Listen and imitate Let’s talk and Let’s learn for 3 times. 2. Finish your information card and show to your teacher and classmates. Thank you! 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 兼职招聘: https://www.21cnjy.com/recruitment/home/admin ... ...

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