
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3 The Internet Reading for Writing学案 (无答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:38次 大小:36268Byte 来源:二一课件通
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B2 Unit3 Section Ⅳ Reading for Writing学案 教学重难点 Master the usage of key words and phrases. 2.Improve the students’ ability to write. 3.Let students know how to be a good blogger. 考点23. particular adj.特定的;特别的;讲究的 教材原句:Like a troll, a cyberbully will also write something mean but it is usually at particular people. 与网络挑事者一样,网霸也会写一些恶意的东西,但这通常是针对特定的人。 (教材P32) 用法归纳 (1)be particular     对……讲究/挑剔 (2)   particular 特别;尤其;特殊的 I'm not particular _____ food. I like to eat all kinds of foods. 我对食物并不挑剔。我喜欢吃各种食物。 词汇拓展 particularly adv.尤其 But sometimes, as on a Sunday afternoon, the system gets particularly busy. 但是有时,像在周日下午,系统就会变得特别繁忙。 (2021浙江1月) 考点24. embarrassing adj.让人难堪(尴尬;害羞)的 教材原句He or she may also post embarrassing photos and information about those people. 他或她也可能发一些有关那些人的让人难堪的照片和信息。 (教材P32) 词汇拓展 embarrass vt.使尴尬;使难堪 It embarrasses/embarrassed sb. _____ sth. 做某事让某人尴尬。 It embarrassed her _____(give) a speech in public. 在公众面前演讲让她尴尬。 embarrassed adj.尴尬的,难堪的 be embarrassed _____ sth.尴尬地做某事 be embarrassed _____...因……感到尴尬 After hearing Sam's words, the woman was embarrassed _____ what she had done.听到萨姆的话后,这位女士对自己的所作所为感到尴尬。 ③embarrassment n.窘迫,难堪 (much) to one's embarrassment让某人(十分)尴尬的是 Much to her embarrassment, she failed the exam again. 让她十分尴尬的是,她又一次考试不及格。 考点25. upset adj.心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的 vt.(upset, upset)使烦恼;使生气;搅乱;打翻 教材原句:It seemed like a joke at first, but the girl was very upset. 刚开始虽然像是在开玩笑,但是这个女生十分不快。 (教材P32) 用法归纳 (1)be upset       sth.为某事心烦/难过 (2)be upset    sb.生某人的气 (3)be upset that...让人难过/心烦的是…… (4)It upset(s) sb.    sth./that...做某事让某人心烦/让某人心烦的是…… (5)sb. upset(s) oneself about sth.某人为某事烦恼 You're not still upset _____ me, are you 你不是还在生我的气吧 ②She was deeply upset _____ the way her father treated her. 她为父亲对待她的方式感到非常难过。 It upset him that he upset the coffee.让他心烦的是他打翻了咖啡。 ④It upsets me _____(think) of the little girl all alone in that big house. 想到这个小女孩孤身一人在那所大房子里,我就感到不舒服。 考点26. familiar adj.熟悉的;熟知的 教材原句: Use a website you are familiar with.使用你熟悉的网站。 (教材P33) 用法归纳 (1)sb. be familiar    sth.某人熟悉某物 (2)sth. be familiar    sb.某物为某人所熟悉/熟知 Having lived in the city for over 20 years, I am familiar with everything here. 我在这个城市住了二十多年,对这里的一切都很熟悉。 His face is very familiar to me, but I can't remember his name at the moment. 我很熟悉他的脸,但我现在记不起他的名字了。 考点27. case n.盒;箱;情况;案件;病例 教材原句:This case has two functions.这个盒子有两个功能。 (教材P34) 用法归纳 (1)     以防;以防万一 (2)      既然那样;假使那 ... ...

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