Unit 1 Lights, camera, action! Extended Reading 教案 教材分析: 本课时是拓展阅读。语篇是电影《阿甘正传》节选片段的剧本,即阿甘第一天上学的情境。阿甘乘坐校车去上学,由于阿甘与常人不同,校车上没有一个小孩愿意与他分享座位,只有Jenny分享了她的座位,并愿意与他交谈。学生需要阅读电影剧本,识别剧本中的角色,故事场景和情节等,最后分享自己喜欢的台词并阐述原因。 教学策略与设计说明: 采用任务型教学法(Task-based language teaching),布置活动任务,设置活动目的,引导学生完成相关任务,达成各教学步骤设计目的。 教学目标: 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 语言能力上,正确理解文中的重点短语和词汇,如“pull up, recall, despite, event”等;欣赏并理解文章采用的修辞手法,例如明喻(simile);能够进行角色扮演演绎剧本。 思维品质上,发散思维,从不同的视角思考问题,辩证地分析问题,创造性的提出自己的想法并提出例子论证。 文化品格上,了解电影剧本的相关知识,懂得欣赏电影的表演,场景,角色特点和台词,提高英语学习的兴趣。 学习能力上,厘清电影剧本的框架结构,如角色名称,行为描述,电影解说,对白等;准确获取语篇中的关键信息,如人物,场景和情节,根据电影解说和对白分析人物的性格特征。 教学重点: 学生能够厘清电影剧本的框架结构,准确识别主要人物,场景和故事情节。 教学难点: 学生缺乏电影剧本的相关背景知识。 学生多视角考虑问题,从语言上赏析电影台词。 教学资源: 教材、多媒体课件、黑板与粉笔。 教学过程: 步骤 教学活动 设计意图 时间与模式 Step 1 Lead-in: Ss watch a video and think about the title of the movie in the video. (Forrest Gump) Ss try to use some adjectives to express their opinions on the excerpt of the movie. (T presents the pictures of the film scenes.) Suggested answer: Setting: Ordinary, old Costume: Vintage, colorful, beautiful, ... Acting: True to life, natural, ... Music: Soft, warm, comfortable, ... 播放电影片段,激发学生学习兴趣,降低剧本阅读的困难;巩固上节课影评的知识。 5’ CW Step 2 Background: T introduces the film Forrest Gump and the concept of script briefly. (1) A film script is the written version of a film story. (2) A script (also known as screenplay) is a piece of creative writing which set out what happens in a film; where it takes place, who's in it, what they say. (3) Like any story it is written with a beginning, a middle and an end. Unlike a novel it is written in a set format. 交代电影及剧本背景知识,为学生接下来阅读语篇作铺垫。 4’ CW Step 3 Structure: T provides a script example, helping Ss to understand the main structures of the film script. (Slug line (all capitals, setting followed by time of day), dialogue, character, voice over, action description, camera action, transition) Ss look at the script in the book and recognize the structure of it. (T use different colors to mark different elements of the script, such as character name, dialogue, action description, voice over) 在熟悉电影剧本框架结构的基础上,识别教材中剧本的主要元素,提高任务可行性。 6’ CW/IW Step 4 Fill in the table: Ss find information about each of the following aspects of the film and use it to complete the table. T leads Ss to learn the strategy of recognizing characters’ personaliti ... ...
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