
人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet Video Time Social Media and Teen Health 教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:42次 大小:221829Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第 8 课时 Video Time: Social Media and Teen Health 1.教材分析 What: This is a video class whose topic is social media and teen health. The video mainly introduces the negative effects of using social media 24/7, and Blackburn College is dealing with social media. Students at Blackburn College in the UK often stay up late to surf the Internet and spend hours updating their social media, checking accounts and replying to others on social media platforms, resulting in sleep deprivation and harm to their health. Posting photos on social media platforms isn’t always relaxing or confidence-boosting; on the contrary, seeing beautiful pictures of others and their wonderful, successful lives can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety, which can affect mood and sleep quality. Though there are so many disadvantages, Blackburn College supports new media technology. Instead of preventing students from using social media, the college advocates guiding students to use social media wisely and appropriately to enrich their study life. Why: The purpose of the video is to develop students’ self-management skills, including knowing when to turn social media on, when to turn it off, and when to immerse themselves in real life, rather than spending all their time in a virtual world. The video can not only draw students’ attention to the negative effects of using social media 24/7, but also get the students to think over the steps to control social media use. How: The text is presented in the form of a video. 。tudents are supposed to acquire relevant vocabulary, understand the negative effects of social media, work out the steps that they can take to control their social media use, and finally enhance their core qualities. 2.学情分析 This lesson is designed for the senior one high school students. Through previous learning, students are quite familiar with the topic of the Internet. In this period, they will learn more about how to use the Internet wisely. 3.教学目标 By the end of this class, students are expected to be able to 1. understand some expressions (selfies, social media profile, 24/7, likes, etc.) about social media and teen health through watching videos; 2. locate specific information (the negative effects of using social media 24/7, Blackburn College is dealing with social media, etc.) through viewing specific video clips; 3. be aware that controlling social media is a worldwide problem through choosing the best answers and completing the quotes; 4. work out the steps that they can take to control their social media use through group work. 4.*重点难点 Key Points 1. Guide students to locate specific information through viewing specific video clips. 2. Lead students to be aware that controlling social media is a worldwide problem. Difficult Points Help students work out the steps that they can take to control their social media. 5.教学过程 教学目标 教学活动与步骤 评价要点 时间与 互动模 式 To check students’ background knowledge about social media. ... ...

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