
人教版九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Section A 3a—4c同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:28次 大小:21463Byte 来源:二一课件通
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姓名: 班级: 分数: Section A 3a—4c 一 、单项填空。(30分) ( )1.—Do you know the man came here yesterday —Yes,he brought me the most interesting book I had wanted to buy A.who;whom B.who;that C.whom;which D.what;that ( )2.Li Lei,there is someone in the office would like to talk to you. A.who B.which C.whom D.whose ( )3.I like music A.that have great lyrics B.that I can dance C.that I sing along D.that isn't too loud ( )4.Zhao Kai likes movies that sad. A.can B.will C,are D.is ( )5.What food do you enjoy A.kinds of B.a kind of C.kind D.kind of 二 、完成句子,每空一词。(30分) 1.你今晚想要吃什么 What do you tonight 2. 只要你坚持梦想,就一定会实现的。 your dream,and it'll come true. 3. 我们要尽自己最大的努力解决这个难题。 We should solve the problem. 4. 这个节目给我们提供了大量的信息。 The program provide us with information 5. 我只想让大脑停止运转好好休息一下。 I just want to my brain and have a good rest. 6. 有的时候,我还是更喜欢一个人出门。 I prefer going out alone. 7.Tom 很怕狗。 Tom dogs. 8.这个问题看起来没那么严重。 The problem seems 三 、完形填空。(40分) Ester is my best friend.She's an 11-year-old girl.Her 1 is October 3rd.She has long black hair and brown eyes.She was 2 in a small city which is in Australia.She has 3 brothers.One of them lives in New Zealand and the other one lives with her.She likes reading books and watching TV. She likes watching shows that have kids 4 them.Her favorite TV show is The Beautiful.And her favorite person in it is Amy.She likes all kinds of music. Well,she doesn't like music 5 was created to make money.She really doesn't like 6 that don't write their own music.Her favorite sport is swimming.She likes to go to the beach in summer or when it is hot.Another good sport that she can 7 is running.She likes playing computer games and she 8 to play the games 24 hours a day but her mother lets her play only on the weekend. 9 food,she likes to eat food that tastes good.She often eats at KFC and Pizza restaurants.They have chicken and chips and 10 other cool food.She's a little bit heavy,so her mother always tells her to eat healthy food. ( )1.A.date B.festival C.birthday D.holiday ( )2.A.lost B.born C,known D.told ( )3.A.two B.three C.four D.five ( )4.A.by B.about C.for D.in ( )5.A.what B.which C.who D.when ( )6.A.owners B.writers C.bands D.readers ( )7.A.think of B.remind of C.make up D.look after ( )8.A.miss B.agree C.suggest D.wish ( )9.A.Because of B.As for C.Instead of D.What if ( )10.A.little B.few C.a lot of D.a kind of Section A 3a—4c 一、1-5 BADCD 二、1.feel like eating 2.Stick to 3.try our best to 4.plenty of 5.shut off 6.Once in a while 7.is afraid of 8.less serious 三、1-5 CBADB 6-10 CADBC

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