
外研版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for Thought Using Language教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:63次 大小:47616Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Period 3 Using Language教学设计 Using Language板块教学设计 课型 Grammar + Vocabulary + Listening + Speaking 主题语境 人与社会———饮食文化、健康生活 内容分析 本板块包括语法部分Modals、词汇部分Food comments和听说部分Healthy Eating。语法部分的两个小语段分别介绍了一款能够帮助人们培养健康饮食习惯的手机应用软件和英国的餐桌礼仪;词汇部分用网络点评的形式呈现了描述食物的词汇;听说部分的材料是餐厅服务员与两位顾客之间的一段对话,引导学生选择正确和健康的饮食。 教学目标 掌握情态动词的基本用法,并根据语境选择合适的情态动词; 初步了解英国的餐桌礼仪,开阔国际视野; 能使用恰当的形容词描述食物,能使用恰当的情态动词说服他人; 了解健康饮食的相关知识,增强健康饮食的意识。 教学重点 引导学生理解be able to,had better,have to,needn’t,dare not的表意功能;引导学生运用本单元已学的词汇和语法结构介绍自己喜欢的食物;引导学生获取对话中关于健康饮食的相关信息,归纳再进行语言输出。 教学难点 引导学生提取并总结提建议的表达,并迁移运用于相似情景的交流中。 教学策略 交际教学法、任务型教学法、听说教学法 Teaching contents Procedures Purposes Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Activity 1 1. T asks Ss to read the sentences from the reading passage and try to figure out the meanings of the words in bold.2. T asks Ss to talk about the function of modals and complete the matching activity. 1. Ss read the sentences and work out the meanings of the words in bold. 2. Ss finish the matching activity. Help Ss discover and summarise the meanings and usage of the target modals. Activity 2 1. T asks Ss to read the introduction to an app and find out what the app is about.2. T asks Ss to underline the modals in the introduction and talk about the meanings of them in groups. 3. T invites Ss to explain the modals in context and check the answers. 1. Ss read the introduction and find out what the app is about. 2. Ss underline the modals and talk about the meanings of them in groups.3. Ss explain the modals in context and share their answers in class. Help Ss further understand the meanings and usages of the modals in a real context. Activity 3 1. T invites Ss to talk about what they know about the table manners in the UK.2. T asks Ss to complete the tips for good table manners with the correct form of the modals.3. T invites Ss to read the complete tips and check the answers. 1. Ss talk about what they know about the table manners in the UK. 2. Ss complete the tips for good table manners.3. Ss read the complete tips and check the answers. Help Ss use the modals in real-life situations. Activity 4 1. T invites Ss to talk in pairs about the food in the pictures using words they consider appropriate.2. T asks Ss to read the comments on the left and match the comments to the pictures. 1. Ss talk about the food in the pictures in pairs.2. Ss read the comments and match them to the pictures. Have Ss understand the topic-related words in a real context. Activity 5 1. T asks Ss to read the comments again and underline the words that describe food.2. T asks Ss to put the underlined words into the corr ... ...

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