
外研版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 War and peace Developing ideas 课件(30张)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:92次 大小:47864139Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Developing ideas —Reading comprehension Lianda: A Place of Passion, Belief and commitment Unit 3 War and peace By the end of this period, students will be able to: 1.understand the text, know the background and important historical significance of Lianda; 2.use similes and metaphors to describe things; 3.draw spiritual wealth from heroes and cultivate patriotic sentiment. CONTENTS Pre-reading I While-reading II Post-reading III Sentences analysis IV Pre-reading What do you know about university? Bright Classrooms Beautiful Campus Cosy Library Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. What kind of university do you think it is What do you know about it 2. How is it different from today’s universities passion, belief and commitment 热情 信仰 奉献 Let’s read the passage and find more details about it! While-reading Activity 1 Fast- reading for main ideas 1.What’s the main idea of the text A. The background of the establishment of Lianda. B. Reasons for the establishment of Lianda. C. How the students of Lianda studied hard. D. The establishment of Lianda and its influence. √ 2. Skim the passage and match each paragraph with its main idea. Para.1 A. The nation’s intellectual heritage was guarded and fortified at Lianda. Para.2 B. The hard conditions of Lianda at that time. Para.3 C. Lianda has become the crowning glory of China’s modern universities. Para.4 D. The priceless contribution of Lianda still needs to be reaffirmed. Para.5 E. Lianda provided the largest number of student-soldiers from any campus in China. Para.6 F. Peking University, Tsinghua University and Nankai University joined together to found Lianda in 1937. Para.7 G. Real war is never romantic as it brings suffering and immense challenges. Activity 2:Careful- reading for details. 1. What does Paragraph 1 function as A. To lead to the topic. B. To summarize the whole passage. C. To set an example. D. To explain the word “war”. Throughout history, the great thinkers of the world have often rather romantically referred to their academic struggles as being like “war”. However, for most of them, the “war” has been purely symbolic. Real war is never romantic as it brings suffering and immense challenges. √ 2.Why does the author say “Real war is never romantic” How do you understand Find the sentence in paragraph 1. Read Para. 1 and do the following exercises. In 1937, the aggression of the Japanese army brought disaster to China’s three great universities: Peking University and Tsinghua University were occupied by Japanese troops, while Nankai University was completely destroyed by bombing. To save their educational and intellectual heritage, the three universities joined together in Kunming as National Southwest Associated University, otherwise known as Lianda. Which universities were included in Lianda Read Para. 2 and do the following exercises. The Peking University; Tsinghua University ; Nan ... ...

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