
专题14 任务型阅读之阅读匹配讲解及练习(原卷板+解析版)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:79次 大小:372594Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    专题14 任务型阅读之阅读匹配 【题型解读】 阅读匹配题的主要特点是将主题类似的信息放在一起,要求学生迅速甄别不同点,并对特定细节进行筛选、类比和综合。这类题目既考查学生的快速阅读能力,又考查学生提取信息、处理信息、综合运用英语的能力。 【解题技巧】 解题步骤 1看任务:略读任务 记住任务 2看文段:略读文段首尾句、段 --带着任务细读--在文段中做标记定位--对比文段中标记处和对应任务 常见题型 1 信息查找题:1.解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息。 常用方法: 带着问题有意识地在关键处做标记 2 信息转换题:解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息,加工分析并转换成另一种表达方式。常见的转换方式有:词性转换,词汇转换,句型转换 3 信息归纳题:解题关键:根据问题查找定位信息,找共性的东西,归纳概括出最佳答案。 注意事项: (1)仔细阅读试题选项,正确理解每个选项的意思。对于谈论相似主题的选项,需区别内容的相同点和不同点,并牢记体现不同点的关键词语。 (2)快速浏览短文,依靠标题迅速抓住每篇短文的主题。浏览过程中若发现答题所需的具体信息,在词语或句子下面画线并标上所答的题号,以便初步敲定答案。对那些暂时无法确定答案的题目,可暂且放置一边,并在第二次阅读时予以解决。 (3)第二次阅读短文时必须有针对性,主要为了解决两个问题:-是仔细检查已初步认定的答案与单句是否匹配; -是找到第一遍浏览时尚未确定的信息。 (4)为确保答案的准确性,再次将选项跟短文的内容进行比较,检查有无谬误或疏漏之处。 (2024·广东深圳·一模) 下面材料A~F分别介绍了深圳六个周末文艺活动。请你根据Alex, Bruce, Cindy, Emma, Tina五个人的需求,为他们推荐合适的活动。 A.Hypermedia Piano Recital Other land Enjoy the Award-winning pianist Yu Xiangjun on a stage with amazing music, video, lighting, and cutting-edge AI technology! B.Revel’s World of Shakespeare This show is a terrifying record of a man who takes Shakespeare too seriously. Since its first show in 2006, it has toured more than 300 shows in several cities. C. Nutcracker This show is a must-see for every ballet lover in the world! This classic story cleverly combines Chinese elements with traditional classical beauty to create a dreamy feeling. D.Ancient Syria This exhibition explores ancient history with 196 art works from ancient Syria and beyond. Learn about the Babylon Empire and its culture. E. Red Detachment of Women This play tells a story of a peasant girl’s growth into a brave soldier, Hong Changqing, the Party member of the Red Army through beautiful ballet dance. F. Yu Guanqun Solo Presented by an award-winning opera singer, Yu Guanqin, this concert includes both famous works from China and internationally. 1.Cindy’s favourite subject is history. She wants to be a historian in the future. 2.Alex is good at playing the piano and won’t miss any piano concert in the city. 3.Bruce’s hobby is reading. He also enjoys movies or plays based on famous books. 4.Tina is reading the book Red Rock and wants to learn how New China was founded. 5.Emma is taking dancing lessons. She enjoys both the skills and the stories of the dance. 【答案】1.D 2.A 3.B 4.E 5.C 【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章要求根据Alex, Bruce, Cindy, Emma, Tina五个人的需求,为他们推荐合适的活动。 1.根据“Cindy’s ... ...

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