
专题13 任务型阅读之阅读表达(解析版)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:69次 大小:222476Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    专题13 任务型阅读之阅读表达 【题型解读】 分析近3年各地市中考英语真题可知,回答问题型阅读的话题涉及故事类、介绍类、观点建议类、饮食与健康类、科普知识类、文化风俗类及校园生活类。词数为200-260词, 一般情况下,每篇文章设5个问题, 其中以4个特殊疑问句、1个一般疑问句居多, 少量涉及5个特殊疑问句和3个特殊疑问句、2个一般疑问句。 【命题规律】 细节理解题:此类题型一般都可以根据问题中的key words在文章中定位信息,找到答案。概括主旨题:此类题型旨在考查考生对段落大意或文章中心思想的把握和归纳能力。按照考查对象可分为段落主旨概括和篇章主旨概括,重点考查段落主旨概括。开放性试题:如:观点看法类、评价类及做法建议类等。 【解题技巧】 1. 认真审题, 明确题目要求。 首先阅读题目, 明确题目中的关键词, 在阅读文章前对所要回答的问题有所了解。 2. 快速浏览文章, 规范答题。 回答问题型任务型阅读需要利用题干中关键词, 寻找文章中对应的关键词, 在对应词周围寻找答案或者直接在文章中搜索答案。带着审题时对文章大意的了解以及问题快速浏览文章, 以最快的速度在文章相对应的位置寻找相关信息。 3. 答题形式符合提问形式。 不同的提问方式需要不同形式的回答, 在答案简洁的基础上还要注意结构的完整。一般疑问句要用yes或no作答;特殊疑问句要根据特殊疑问词具体回答。 4. 仔细检查, 确保答案。 完成所有答题后, 需要再次速读一遍文章, 核对答案, 确保答案的正确性。需要注意, 有些题目答案可以在原文中直接找出;有些需要在原文的基础上, 结合题目要求进行时态、语态、人称的转换;有些需要进行归纳总结, 把正确答案重新组织语言表达出来。 基本步骤 1. 先看问题,再读文章:把握主题,确定方向,摘取有用的材料,舍弃无关的信息,高效省时。 2. 细读全文,认真推敲:细心阅读与试题有的词汇、句子或段落,要特别留心一些信息词。 3. 复读全文,验证答案:在找到答案后,应将答案带入问题中,检查有无矛盾,若前后不一致或意思矛盾,则要考虑重选答案。 (2024·辽宁·一模) 阅读短文,然后根据内容回答问题。 The Library With No Rules When you walk by Eric’s home on Balgis Street, downtown Bangkok (曼谷), you will see thousands of books on shelves and on the stairs. Each book is free to anyone who wants it. “People can borrow, take home, bring back or keep,” says Eric. “Or they can share and pass on to another. But they should just take, take!” He thinks books need to live, and they’re only alive if they are being read. “The act of giving books makes your life meaningful,” says Eric. The Reading Club 2000, as the project shows, began more than twenty years ago. “My parents gave me my love of reading,” he says. “I started the club to honour them and to do some kind of community service. So I put my old books and my brothers’ and sisters’, maybe 100 in all—outside, to see if anyone was interested.” It took a while for people to work out this was a library. It never closed and there were no rules. But the project, offering everything from paperbacks to fashion magazines, technical books and school textbooks, is becoming popular. The success of the project is helped by the fact that the country, with a small population, has fewer than 700 public libraries, and many people cannot afford to buy books. Luckily, the project is spreading. Eric takes box ... ...

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