
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3 The internetReading and Thinking 课件 2(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:31次 大小:1266022Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Reading and Thinking—Reading Comprehension The Internet Unit 3 读前 清障 Ⅰ.匹配单词 1.database A.to give sb the desire,confidence or enthusiasm to do sth well 2.access B.an advantage that sth gives you;a helpful and useful effect that sth has 3.benefit C.having or causing problems or difficulties 4.inspire D.a collection of data that is stored in a computer and that can easily be used and added to 5.charity E.the aim of giving money,food,help,etc.to people who are in need 6.tough F.to work in the correct way 7.resident G.to state or show that sth is definitely true or correct,especially by providing evidence 8.function H.a way of entering or reaching a place 9.confirm I.a collection of information stored together in a computer,under a particular name 10.file J.a person who lives in a particular place or who has his home there 1.Her mother day and night when she was in hospital. 2.Customers have already for 20 minutes at the cash desk. 3. you have grown up,you should not depend on your parents. 4.He has many difficulties since graduation. Ⅱ.选词填空 now that,go through,wait in line,keep sb company 返 回 kept her company waited in line Now that gone through 精读 课文 Step 1 速读———整体理解文意 What’s the main idea of the passage A.How the Internet has changed people’s daily lives. B.The development of the Internet. C.All of us have access to the Internet. D.Jan Tchamani has started an IT club. Ⅰ.明文章大意 √ Match the main idea with each paragraph. 1.Para.1   A.Jan’s online classes and her new goal. 2.Para.2 B.The Internet has changed people’s lives greatly. 3.Para.3 C.Jan’s life has been greatly improved by the Internet. 4.Para.4 D.The reason why Jan surfed the Internet and the benefits she got. 5.Para.5 E.Jan started to help others online. Ⅱ.悉层次结构 Step 2 细读———逐段获取细节 Ⅰ.Read Para.1 carefully and do the following exercises. 1.What does the author think of the World Wide Web A.It has developed rapidly in recent years. B.It provides the users with much information for free. C.It has brought more convenience to our lives. D.It encourages people to use social networks. √ 2.Which of the following is NOT the convenience that the Internet brings to people’s lives A.It allows you to go shopping without cash. B.It allows you to comment freely. C.You can download software through it. D.You can get the most updated information from it. √ Ⅱ.Read Para.2 carefully and do the following exercises. 1.Why did Jan Tchamani quit her teaching career A.Because she thought that job was boring. B.Because she decided to start an IT club. C.Because she suddenly developed a serious illness. D.Because she reached her retirement age. √ 2.How did the people in the online community help her 答案 People in the online community talked with her about her problems,supported her,and gave her advice. 3.What did she learn from her own experience 答案 The Internet can r ... ...

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