
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3 The internet Reading for Writing 课件 (共26张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:10次 大小:1251577Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Reading for Writing The Internet Unit 3 读前 清障 Ⅰ.匹配单词 1.target    A.to say or explain what the meaning of a word or phrase is 2.guideline B.an object,a person or a place that people aim at when attacking 3.embarrassing C.to make sb/yourself feel unhappy,anxious or annoyed 4.upset D.making you feel shy,awkward or ashamed 5.tip E.rules or instructions that are given by an official organization telling you how to do sth,especially sth difficult 6.define F.a small piece of advice about sth practical 返 回 1.Do that you can turn to me for help when you are in tough situations. 2.You shouldn’t too much personal information while chatting online. 3.Now that he takes exercise regularly,he keeps . 4.They surf the Internet every day with the aim of the updated events. 5.John was always trouble in class, which made his parents angry. Ⅱ.选词填空 give out,in shape,stir up,keep in mind,keep track of keep in mind give out in shape keeping track of stirring up 细读 文本 Read the blog post and do the following exercises. 1.What is the blog post mainly about A.Online safety. B.Online education. C.Online communication. D.Online habits. Activity 1 细节把握 √ 2.What guidelines does the author provide for staying safe online 答案 First,leave immediately if you find something that makes you feel uncomfortable on the site.Second,protect your privacy.Third,be polite. 3.Who are the online troublemakers the blog post mentions 答案 An identity thief,a troll and a cyberbully. 4.What can we learn according to the comment part A.Boy579 always makes trouble in the chat room. B.Boy579 had a bad experience online. C.Amy’s photo was posted online. D.Amy was made fun of by someone. √ A blog post often includes three basic parts: Activity 2 文章架构 Paragraph 1 1._____ Tell the reader about yourself and what you know about the topic. Paragraph 2 Body Tell the reader 2. or keep in mind. Define new words or key terms. Paragraph 3 Ending End by asking the readers to write 3._____. Introduction what they should do comments 1.Read the blog post again and find out the sentence introducing the topic. _____ 2.What words and phrases does the writer use to organise the information in paragraph 2 _____ 3.What new words are explained in the blog post,and how _____ _____ Activity 3 增分靓句 How do you stay safe online and avoid bad experiences on the Internet First of all;Second;Third. Troll and cyberbully.Use simple words and an explanation sentence to define “troll”.Define “cyberbully” by comparing it with “troll”. 4.Read the blog post again and find out the sentences explaining troll and cyberbully. _____ 5.How does the writer end the post _____ 返 回 A troll is a person who posts comments or questions in order to stir up trouble online. A cyberbully uses the Internet to be mean to others.Like a troll, a cyberbully will also write something mean but it is usually directed at particular ... ...

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