
人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions Reading for Writing 课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:24次 大小:137166Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Reading for Writing History and traditions Unit 4 读前 清障 Ⅰ.匹配单词 1.eager    A.a large or special meal,especially for a lot of people and to celebrate sth 2.feast B.a large number of people gathered together in a public place 3.cattle C.to say hello to sb or to welcome them 4.greet D.an accepted way of behaving or of doing things in a society or a community 5.custom E.very interested and excited by sth that is going to happen or about sth that you want to do 6.striking F.cows and bulls that are kept as farm animals for their milk or meat 7.crowd G.very attractive,often in an unusual way 1.The boy likes to explore the unknown world and know everything about the ocean. 2.As is known to us all,eleven athletes a football team. 3.It means what we eat our health. 4.I have been learning English for 10 years. 5.This apartment is surrounded by rolling green hills sheep and cattle. Ⅱ.选词填空 have an influence on,be dotted with,make up,be eager to,more than 返 回 is eager to make up have an influence on more than dotted with 细读 文本 Read the text and do the following exercises. 1.What makes the Irish countryside exciting and inspiring Activity 1 细节把握 答案 Its beauty and how it offers something for all the senses. 2.What are the best ways to experience some Irish traditions and culture 答案  stopping by a village pub and relaxing with a glass of wine or a local beer; enjoying a delicious traditional Irish Beef Stew; enjoying some traditional music and dancing; introducing yourself to a friendly face 3.What’s the main idea of the passage A.The snacks of Ireland. B.The history of Ireland. C.Ireland’s beautiful scenery and its traditions. D.The customs of Ireland. √ An article about a place you like often includes three basic parts: Activity 2 文章架构 Introductory sentence Give a 1. of Ireland’s beautiful scenery. Body The influence of beautiful scenery on 2. . Transitional sentences and transitional phrases. The influence of beautiful scenery on 3._____. Ending sentence Encourage the readers to 4. the beautiful scenery and local culture. general description people traditions experience 读文章并找出下列表达 1.描写视觉的句子 _____ 2.描写听觉的句子 _____ Activity 3 增分靓句 The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” and its many green counties is a true feast for the eyes, with its rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle. And down by the sea, the roar of the ocean waves and cries of the seabirds make up the music of the coast. 3.描写触觉和嗅觉的句子 _____ _____ 返 回 On a quiet morning in the mountains, feel the sun on your skin, and breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with their morning song. 技法 指导 本单元的写作项目是描写你喜欢的一处地方,属于介绍类说明文,写好这类文章,要注意以下问题: 1.篇章结构 (1)开头———介绍该地的基本信息,如地理位置、人文环境等。 (2)主体———具体介绍其旅游特色。 (3)结尾———总结陈 ... ...

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