
专题08 完形填空-八年级英语下学期期中考试真题分类汇编(浙江专版)(含解析)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:69次 大小:1351756Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 专题08 完形填空 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、完形填空 (22-23八年级下·浙江温州·期中)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 There once was a wise man who was very respected for his wisdom. This great man was called the Wise Circle Maker. People 1 that he had special powers to make their dreams come true. He would make a big circle on the ground and stand 2 it as if he was the centre of the world. There, he spoke with God and 3 things the people needed. But the Wise Circle Maker did not know everything about 4 . Often, when he saw things that he did not understand, he would ask questions, hoping to find the 5 . One day, he was walking in the 6 and noticed a man planting a fruit tree. He asked the man, “When will this tree bear fruit 7 will it take ” The man said that it would take 70 8 for fruit to come to the tree. “And how old are you now ” asked the Wise Circle Maker. “I am almost 50 years old,” replied the man. “And do you think you will live to 9 the fruit from this tree ” asked the Wise Circle Maker. “I will not live another 70 years,” replied the man. “I am already 10 and will never taste the fruit from this tree I plant. 11 when I was born, I saw many fruit trees like this in the countryside planted by my 12 and his father, and his father’s father. And I ate the fruit from those trees.” “This tree is 13 my children, my grandchildren and their children too. They will taste the fruit of this tree. That is why I am planting it. Not for me, but for 14 .” The Wise Circle Maker was 15 and moved. He could easily see the meaning. He walked away, knowing that he still had much to know about life. 1.A.believed B.rеported C.expected D.promised 2.A.behind B.in C.over D.near 3.A.asked for B.put away C.gave up D.looked after 4.A.fact B.life C.people D.nature 5.A.ideas B.questions C.answers D.advice 6.A.countryside B.forest C.garden D.park 7.A.How long B.How much C.How many D.How often 8.A.hours B.days C.months D.years 9.A.plant B.cut C.taste D.smell 10.A.young B.strong C.old D.weak 11.A.Although B.Because C.And D.But 12.A.mother B.son C.daughter D.father 13.A.from B.for C.with D.as 14.A.her B.it C.him D.them 15.A.surprised B.interested C.sad D.bored (22-23八年级下·浙江温州·期中) Feeling quite hopeless, Jack walked down the streets, knowing he came to the end of life. In his fifties, Jack had never been married, experienced the happiness of having children or spent holidays with his family. On this sad rainy night, he felt that there was 16 in the whole world cared whether he lived or died. At that time I was sitting in my room watching the rain 17 my window. When I heard the doorbell ring, I jumped from my chair and ran out. But my mother was already at the 18 . Opening it, she saw a very dirty-looking man with tears falling down his face. My mother was always 19 and warm-hearted, invite ... ...

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