
专题12 阅读理解-八年级英语下学期期中考试真题汇编(浙江专版)(含解析)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:72次 大小:1323756Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 专题12 阅读理解 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读理解 (22-23八年级下·浙江嘉兴·期中)Sixteen-year-old Amy Martin is on holiday with her family in San Diego, California, in USA.They’re staying at the Coronado Bay Resort Hotel. After lunch, Amy and her parents are going swimming in the hotel pool. The fourth member of their family, Martha, is going to take a surfing (冲浪) class. But here’s the usual thing: Martha is a dog. At the Coronado Bay Resort Hotel, dogs and cats are special guests (客人). For example, Martha stays in the same room with Amy and her parents. Martha also has her own bed. At the hotel, cooks make special meals for dogs and cats. And for fun, the animals can go surfing. There are many animal-friendly hotels around the world. For example, at hotels in Italy and Mexico, there are dining rooms for dogs and cats where they can eat special food. At the Devon Hotel in the UK, dogs can exercise. Then they can enjoy themselves in a swimming pool for animals. Staying at these hotels costs extra (额外的) money. It usually costs $200 more a night. But most hotel guests with pets are happy to pay. “Martha is a part of our family,” says Amy Martin. “When we travel, she comes with us.” 1.Which sentence about the Coronado Bay Resort is true A.There is a swimming pool for animals. B.Dogs can go surfing in the hotel. C.Hotel guests must bring their animal’s food D.You cannot bring an animal into the hotel. 2.If you stay at the Devon Hotel, _____. A.your pets can stay there for free B.you’ll only pay $200 a night C.you should pay extra money D.you’ll only pay for your pet 3.The passage is mainly about _____. A.fun holiday activities B.unusual animals C.good hotels for children D.animal-friendly hotels (22-23八年级下·浙江衢州·期中)I grew up in the countryside. It helped me learn more practical skills than my peers (同龄人) who grew up in cities. I learned to cook at around 10 years old. The first skill I had was making dumplings. At first, I made them too soft and sometimes I made them too hard. But as I keep trying, I learned the trick (窍门). Later, I cooked fried dishes and things like dumplings. I fell in love with cooking. It’s a good way to relax. More importantly, thanks to my cooking skill, I live better during the pandemic (疫情). Now working from home, I cook every meal instead of ordering delivery (外卖). It saves money and I don’t have to wait for delivery drivers to feed me. Besides cooking, I did a lot of farm work in my childhood. I got to know how to plant vegetables. Though it was hard work, the experience taught me things that many of my peers still don’t know. I once discussed these with my friends from the city. They thought it was a pity that they didn’t have the chance to learn these things in their lives. Some might say we can learn these things from textbooks. _____. It brings a new way to look at the world. You will value everything on your ... ...

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