ID: 19779000


日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:19次 大小:9788790B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2024中考英语 二轮复习 1.说出三种否定前缀。 2.说出三种表示人的尾缀。 3.说出三种形容词尾缀。 4.什么是转换法和合成法则? 句子成分和基本句型 句子成分和基本句型 句子所说的“什么人” 主语 句子所说的“什么事” 名词 代词 相当于名词的词/短语 主语 Jim started to play the violin when he was five. To see is to believe. 说明主语做什么/是什么/怎么样 系动词 实义动词 谓语 与主语保持人称和数的一致 谓语 Jeff and Yuan Li are both quiet. His parents teach math. 说明主语是什么 说明主语怎么样 名词 形容词 相当于名词或形容词的词/短语 表语 表语 My favorite subject is science. We are all at home now. 动作的承受者 表示动作行为的对象 名词 代词 相当于名词的词/短语 宾语 宾语 Can I ask some questions Let me tell you something interesting. 补足宾语的意义 位置:一般在宾语之后 名词 形容词 不定式 动名词 分词 介词短语等 宾补 宾补 Don’t wait for the world to change. 修饰名词或代词 介词短语 数词 代词 名词 相当于形容词的词或短语 定语 定语 Paper is a useful invention. What’s your name 修饰动词,形容词或副词 介词短语 副词 相当于副词的词或短语 状语 状语 The school trip was really wonderful! Hong Kong is not very cold in winter. 句中某一成分进一步解释或说明 名词 数词 从句等 代词 同位语 同位语 Miss Li, a humorous teacher, taught us math last term. 同位语 谓语 主语 宾语 状语 定语 补语 同位语 表语 句子所说的“什么人”/“什么事” 动作,行为的对象 用来修饰名词或代词 对句子某一成分进一步解释补充说明,与前名词/代词同等地位 说明主语“做什么”/“是什么”/“怎么样”,主要为动词 补足宾语意义,一般置于宾语之后 用来修饰动词,形容词或者副词 说明主语“是什么”或“怎么样”,一般是名词或形容词居多 判断划线部分在句中所作成分 1. The film has already been on for 10 minutes. 主语 判断划线部分在句中所作成分 2. Mary's parents teach math in this school. 谓语 判断划线部分在句中所作成分 3. They bought some onions and tomatoes in the supermarket. 宾语 判断划线部分在句中所作成分 4. Mary does well in English and her spoken English is excellent. 表语 判断划线部分在句中所作成分 5. Our teachers always encourage us to discuss questions with others. 宾补 判断划线部分在句中所作成分 6. Actually,Tommy has made great progress in running these days. 时间状语 判断划线部分在句中所作成分 7. He showed me how to run the machine. 谓语 判断划线部分在句中所作成分 8. Every student is supposed to take up a hobby. It can make us live a meaningful life. 主补 判断划线部分在句中所作成分 9. To protect the environment, more trees will be planted in the future. 定语 判断划线部分在句中所作成分 10. Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is very kind to us. 同位语 五大基本句子结构 句型6 I have a cat. 拥有 There is a tiger. 拥有 I have some money. 拥有 There are two banks. 拥有 句型6 There be句型 某地 某时 某人 某物 有 There is a tiger. There are two banks. There is are 可名单 可名复 There is some milk. There is are 可名单 可名复 不可名 考点1: be动词的选取 There one butterfly and three carrots. is are There three carrots and one butterfly. is are There is are 可名单 可名复 不可名 考点2: be ... ...

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