
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Natural disasters Grammar and usage 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:55次 大小:18691Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课 时 教 案 课题:Grammar and usage U2B3 第 1 课时 总序第35个教案 课型: New lesson 编写时间:2024年4月 日 执教时间:2024年4月 日 教学目标:1. identify and categorize the use of to-infinitives as attributives 批 注 and adverbials of result; 2. summarize general rules of to-infinitives as attributives and adverbials of result; 3. apply the rules and use to-infinitives to complete or make sentences. 教学重点:summarize general rules of to-infinitives as attributives and adverbials of result; 教学难点:apply the rules and use to-infinitives to complete or make sentences. 教学用具:Multi-media 教学方法:Group work, discussion 教学实施过程: 1. Have students read the interview on page 20 and answer the following questions. (1) How did Mr Li know that the hurricane was coming From the local news on TV. (2) What made Mr Li frightened during the hurricane The power failure. 2. Have students finish the table in part A. To-infinitives as attributives: I was staying in Atlanta, and that was one of the cities to be hit. The roads were blocked, so there was nothing for me to do but stay inside. I had enough food and water to last a whole week! To-infinitives as adverbials of result: That morning, I turned on the TV for some local news, only to hear that a hurricane was on its way. 批 注 ... I looked out of the window, only to see huge trees lying across the street and water everywhere! 3. Have students finish “Working out the rules” on page 20. (1) after (2) unexpected 4. Have students go through “Grammar notes” from page 98 to 99. Give explanations if necessary. 5. Have students finish B1 on page 21. 1) e 2) c 3) d 4) b 5) a 6. Have students finish B2 on page 21, use the four sentences with to-infinitives to fill in the table below, and then answer two questions. 1)to find books about hurricanes 2) to find he was not in his office 3) to attend 4)to make PPT slides for my project (1) Did Anna find Mr Li in his office No, she saw a note from Mr Li on the office door saying he was in the meeting room. And she found him there. (2) What was the charity event for It was to raise funds for the disaster area. 3. Have students finish B3 on page 21. When checking answers, ask students what sentence elements of the to-infinitives are used as. (1) was actually the first to leave (attributive) (2) to keep us warm (adverbial of purpose) (3) wanted to return home as soon as possible (object) (4) to find it completely destroyed (adverbial of result) (5) advised us to take an active part in the rebuilding (object complement) 教学反思:

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