
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Natural disasters Integrated skills (1) 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:54次 大小:17847Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课 时 教 案 课题:Integrated skills (1) U2B3 第 1 课时 总序第36个教案 课型: New lesson 编写时间:2024年4月 日 执教时间:2024年4月 日 教学目标: 批 注 1. obtain the information about floods and flood safety tips; 2. analyse the typical features of a story about a family caught in a flood; 教学重点: analyse the typical features of a story about a family caught in a flood; 教学难点:analyse the typical features of a story about a family caught in a flood; 教学用具:Multi-media 教学方法:Group work, discussion 教学实施过程: 1. Have students answer the following questions. What do you know about floods When will floods happen What damage may floods cause Floods are common natural disasters. Floods commonly happen during heavy rain, when rivers overflow, when ocean waves come onshore, when snow melts too fast, or when dams break. Floods often cause people to lose their lives and property. They cause damage to the economy and environment and even contribute to outbreaks of diseases. 2. Have students finish A1 on page 22. 1)F (250,000→250 million) 2) T 3) F (seven→three) 4) F (Fifteen→Sixty/wash most cars away→knock an adult down) 3. Have students finish A2 on page 22. (1) disaster supplies (2) a light source (3) warm clothes (4) most important objects (5) higher ground (6) walk or drive (7) news reports (8) damaged roads 4. Have a free talk with students about floods to prepare them for reading 批 注 the story. Has your hometown once suffered from a flood If so, what did people do during the flood In my hometown, non-stop heavy rain was not uncommon in some years. I remember several years ago, it rained heavily for several days and the city was flooded. Water flooded streets and the first floors of houses in low-lying areas. The traffic came to a stop and people had to move to higher places. The police tried their best to help those in danger, especially children and the elderly. 5. Have students fill in the table in part B and then answer two questions. Setting: In their house Characters: Mary, Mum, Dad Plot: The city Mary and her parents lived in was flooded. They were trapped at home, not sure what to do. (1) What was Mary’s suggestion in the face of the flood She thought they should leave the house right away and drive their car through the floodwater. (2) What were her parents’ opinions They believed it was very dangerous to go out in the flood, because the city had already been flooded and the moving water could wash the car away. 教学反思:

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