

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:50次 大小:27144Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考语法单项选择和词汇运用专练 Part 1 单项选择 Christopher Columbus was _____ explorer from _____ European country. a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an A hard-working man _____ become a successful man, but a successful man _____ be a hard-working man. can’t; can B. may not: can C. can't; must D. may not; must The career he devoted himself to _____ him _____ by people all over the world. made; remembered B. making; remember C. making; was remembered D. made; to remember 4.Volunteering is a good way to experience life _____ the school. Take an active part in it, and you will learn more about the world. A. over B.beyond C. against D. above 5. —A lot of money _____ for the old man's operation online. —Yes. But the medicine cost _____ a lot, so we still need to get more for him. raised; rose B.was raised; has risen was risen; has raised D.was raised; rose —Are you going anywhere — I _____ about shopping with Mum, but now I have changed my mind. A. think B. had thought C. thought D. have thought 7. You should go to see him since he is so seriously ill._____, he is your brother. A.In all B.First of all C.Above all D.After all 8. .—Have you visited Nancy in Yangzhou recently —I've forgotten where she _____ lives. A.closely B. widely C.exactly D.mostly 9.—Excuse me, could you please tell me I forgot about it. —Only in five minutes. You'd better hurry up if you don't want to miss the beginning. how soon will the film begin how soon the film will begin how long has the film been on how long the film has been on When will Mary _____ John It _____ three years since they fell in love with each other. A. marry to; is B. get married with; has been C. get married to; is D.marry to; has been 11.We should respect food and think about the people who don't have_____ we have here and treat food nicely. A.that B. which C.whether D.what 12.Many family make _____ a rule to plant a young tree on Tree-Planting Day. A. ourselves B. that C.it D.this 13. Which of the following body languages shows a warm welcome to the visitors from all over the world to Yangzhou in March A.(招手) B. (挥手) C.(拥抱) D(插手) 14.The new high-speed railway was tested last month.It won't be long _____it is put into use. A. before B. since C.after D. until 15.—Mum,I failed in the English test last week. —That's not an important test._____. A.Take it easy. B. Don't take it to heart. C.Not at all. D What a pity! 四、词汇运用 The player finished _____ (nine) in the 400-metre race at last. 47.We found some footprints. Someone _____ (step) into our garden. 48. The food was good, but the _____ (serve) was very slow. 49. I sometimes feel _____ (comfort) after eating too much in the evening 50.Edison never gave up in the face of failure, and finally he _____(success). 51. At last we were attracted by all the _____ (模特) wonderful performance. 52.Most people don't realize that they are breathing _____(污染)air 53. There is no doubt that the suspect didn't tell the_____(真相). 54. We surve ... ...

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