
译林版(2020) 必修第三册 Unit 2 Natural Disasters Reading课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:18次 大小:5840838Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Reading 2 pWe practice earthquake safety procedures twice a year. pThe water was like the bubbles on the top of a beer. pIt wasn’t calm and it wasn’t going in and then out. It was just coming in and in and in. Watch the following videos about an ear thquake and a tsunami and finish two tasks. After watching the videos, please try to describe the scene using the features we have just discussed. Please think about how to sur vive the two disasters Ear thquake in our hometown To experience To get knowledge Causes of an ear thquake Rubbing together Toward each other Plates on the surface rub together, move toward or away from each other, an earthquake is caused! Away from each other Signs of an ear thquake Mice look for places to hide. Fish jump out of water. Water in wells is not calm and smelly, with deep cracks. Animals don’t eat, don’t go inside either. Pr Avoid potential indoor dangers heavy and tall furniture; hanging lights and decorations electric devices; fragile glass items Drop, Cover and Hold on down low to the ground. with hands, blankets or other soft things. until the rumbling stops. Wait Check for injuries help yourself and each other for potential hazards electric leakage damaged buildings gas leakage Evacuate When it is safe, go to official evacuation places. Causes of a tsunami underwater earthquake volcano Preparations for a tsunami monitor and warn earthquake volcano Preparations for a tsunami notice the changes of the waves How to survive to the opposite direction as fast as you can. Reach the ground or concrete high buildings. patiently for the rescue. Please think about this after class: What can we learn from the news reports

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