
人教版(2019)选修三Unit 3 Environmental Protection Using Language(2)_ Reading and Writing学习任务单

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:61次 大小:23738Byte 来源:二一课件通
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学习任务单 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季 课题 Reducing Water Pollution in the Li River 学习目标 学生通过本课时的学习,能够: 1.通过阅读该报告,获得有关漓江的信息:被污染的原因、治理的措施等; 2.通过快阅和细读,掌握文本的结构和语言特征; 3.写一篇关于环境问题的报告; 4.提升环境保护意识。 课前学习任务 1.词汇准备。通过预习,认识重点词汇,如volume,garbage,restore,conservation,campaign等。 2.知识准备。通过查阅资料,了解漓江。 课上学习任务 【学习任务一】Free Talk What can you see in the picture What do you know about the Li River 【学习任务二】Prediction What’s the writing style of the passage How do you know What will the text be about 【学习任务三】Read for the structure Clarify the structure and fill in the form. Paragraph 1 Introducing the topicParagraph 2 Describing the _____ _____Paragraph 3 Presenting some _____ Paragraph 4Presenting further _____ 【学习任务四】Read for the problem(para.2) Find out what factors cause water pollution and draw a mind map. 【学习任务五】Read for the solutions(para.3&4) Find out the solutions and draw a mind map. (You can write down the key words :verb+noun.) What advantages will reducing water pollution bring to us 【学习任务六】Read for the language How does the writer describe the water problems and solutions Please read and fill in the form. cause and effectProblems and solutionslinking words 【学习任务七】Write a report on an environmental issue _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 【作业】Assignment Explore: Turn to other resources for more reports on the environmental issues and learn from them. Write: Finish and revise your report.

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