
人教版(2019) 必修第一册Unit 1 Teenage Life Reading and Thinking 课件(共14张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:10次 大小:35290561Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Compare school life in different places Unit 1 Teenage Life Period 2 Reading and Thinking (1) Learning Objectives 1. 获取梳理Adam作为高一新生所面临的挑战; 2. 概括、整合、阐释Adam 面临挑战所经历的情感变化,并推断Adam是一个什么样的人; 3. 以高一新生所面临的挑战为依据,举办(模拟)答记者问会议; 4. 用100—150个词写出自己作为高一新生的挑战、情感变化以及解决的办法。 Your school life Video: American high school life Video: English high school life Reading for understanding A tip: The topic sentence usually lies at the beginning of a paragraph. Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Senior high school is a challenge I had to decide which courses to take I have to study harder and be responsible for more I had to choose extra-curricular activities confused unhappy worried but happy How does Adam feel when facing challenges as a freshman The first week Then At last Reading for understanding Reading for understanding confused Why/What challenge He doesn't know which courses to take Solution The school adviser... His favorite He had to choose extra-curricular activities What is his extra- curricular activity football team How does he feel a volunteer club what unhappy solution Reading for understanding Why keep up with the other students get used to all the homework Worried but happy why be well prepared for university be well prepared for whatever else comes in the future a little worried unhappy but won't quit a little confused a bit worried but happy Reading for further thinking What kind of person do you think Adam is Why Reading for further thinking Do you face the same challenges as Adam the freshman challenge What other challenges are you facing How do you deal with them Interview Work in groups to discuss your challenges as freshmen Focus on the following aspects. Reading for discussion Item 5 4 3 2 1 Pronunciation & intonation Cooperation Content Communication skills Evaluation show time Write a report 1. The topic : My challenges as a freshman 2. The content : My challenges, feelings and solutions 3. The length : 120—150 words Assignment Thank you!

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