
人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit1 Teenage life Readin and thinking the freshman challenge说课稿

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:43次 大小:32012Byte 来源:二一课件通
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新人教版必修一Unit1 Teenage life Reading and thinking--The freshman challenges 说课稿 Good evening, honorable judges. It’s my great honor to share my lesson design with you. The content of my lesson is Senior English Book 1 Unit 1 Teenage life Reading and thinking part. My lesson design includes 7 sections. They’re teaching background, teaching objectives, key and difficult points of teaching, teaching methods, teaching procedures, blackboard design as well as teaching reflection. 1.Teaching background 1)Theoretical basis First, let me talk about teaching background, which includes 3 parts--theoretical basis, analysis of material and analysis of students. The first theory I depend on is English Subject Core Competence, which emphasizes the importance of developing students’ language ability, learning ability, thinking capacity and cultural awareness. All of this can be shown in learning activities. The second is the View of English Learning Activities, which sets a solid foundation for my teaching procedure. The activities I designed are graded from easy ones to difficult ones. The third theory I’m based on is Constructivism Learning Theory. It is students-centred, focusing on capacity building and emphasizes the situational scene of knowledge. Besides, it focus on cooperative learning and integrated learning activities. All of these ideas can be shown in the learning activities. 2)Analysis of material Then I analyze the teaching material from three dimensions what how and why. What covers the theme and the content. The theme of this section is humans and self. The type of this section is reading and thinking. It's a narrative in the first person whose topic is the freshman challenge. How involves the structure of the text. It’s general and specific.Why refers to the intention of this text, which aims to develop students positive attitude towards challenges and to compare school lives at home and abroad. 3)Analysis of students Then I adopt SWOT model to analyze the target students. The students are freshman in senior one at Enping No.1 Middle School. They are active to create and eager to explore. Meanwhile, they have the similar experience while the weakness is that they have difficulty in understanding the cross culture knowledge, such as soup kitchen. Besides they will learn from Adam about how to overcome challenges in their school lives. Moreover, to improve their ability of reading and express their challenge and school lives in English is a potential challenge for them. 2.Teaching Objectives Based on the analysis of teaching material and target students, the teaching objectives are designed as follows, which highlight the Core Competence and reflect the cognitive levels. By the end of the class students should be able to: Know some words and phrases related to challenges through theme-based reading, such as freshman, suitable, confusing, freshman and so on. Enhance thinking ability, such as creative and critical thinking through predi ... ...

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