
语外研版(2019)选择性必修一Unit6 Nurturing Nature Understanding ideas公开课教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:24次 大小:227816Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching Design Book4 Unit6 Understanding ideas The Sky Railway I. Analysis of teaching materials 此文语篇类型为游记。作者通过描述自己的一次“天路”之旅,回顾了建设者们在青藏铁路修建过程中始终以生态保护为前提,克服重重困难,最终建成这条“不可能建成的”铁路的历程,表达了自己作为其中一名建设者的自豪之情,也表达了工程建设要以生态保护为前提的环保理念。 II. Analysis of students Students in Senior 2 have had a basic reading skill to comprehend a passage. Besides, they are not as shy as they were in Senior one. They are brave and eager to express their ideas in English as long as they have something to say. However, if they are not familiar with a topic or do not have enough background knowledge, they are unwilling to raise their hands in class. In terms of the above considerations, enough time will be set aside for students to read the passage. And necessary instructions will be provided. III. Teaching objectives After this class, students are expected to: 1.get the genre of passage and the scenery along the Qing hai-Tibet railway; 2.understand the challenges when built the railway station and solutions to overcome them; 3.have a sense of pride after knowing how the workers completed this “impossible” railway; IV. Teaching key and difficult points The class will focus on: Understand the special meaning of “The Sky Railway”; Find out the challenges and solutions that workers met under construction Inspire student’s national pride and honor. V. Teaching strategy P-W-P reading model. VI. Teaching methods Communicative Teaching Method; Task-based Teaching Method. VII. Teaching aids Textbook; multimedia; blackboard; chalk; worksheet. Teaching procedures Procedures Purposes Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Lead-in T draws Ss’ attention to a video, and asks whether they know something special about Tibetan Plateau. T ask students how to travel here to enjoy the scenery. 1. Ss share what they know about Tibetan Plateau. 2.Ss speak out the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and some words to describe it. To activate Ss’ background knowledge and stimulate Ss to explore more . Read for landmarks along the railway 1. T asks Ss to read the text and note down the landmarks along the railway. 1. Ss read the text and find these landmarks and find out the special points about each one. To guide Ss to understand how this travel route is Read for the author’s feelings 2. T asks Ss to read the text, and then answer: What’s the author’s feelings when he was on the Sky Railway 1. Ss analyze the text to find out the answer. To help Ss understand the special feeling about the railway . Read for challenges and solutions 1.T asks Ss to finish the table and think more. 2. When collecting answers to the table, T provides more vocabulary to enrich Ss’ expressions. 1.Ss finish the table in group and answer the T’s questions. challengesSolutionsValue To guide Ss to have an in-depth understanding of the text from multiple perspectives. To help Ss to put forward their own point ... ...

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