
Unit 3 Environmental Protection Reading and Thinking—Language Points 课件(共27张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:59次 大小:1103157Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Reading and Thinking—Language Points Unit 3 Environmental protection 知识巩固 基础 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.So much carbon dioxide is that it results in global warming. 2.I must the golden opportunity to be admitted to the international enterprise. 3.The specialist told us that this seal to death due to the lack of food. 4.There is a growing that more and more people are living a green life to protect the ecology from being damaged. 5.Our school is an inspiring story to enhance our spirits. released seize starved trend broadcasting 6.The police officers decided on conducting a thorough and _____ (详尽的) review of the case. 7.Because of these (政策) of reform and opening up,China has taken on a new look over the past decades. 8.The representatives of the conference think that the number of students in each class should be to 30. 9.I love to go sightseeing ,always absorbed in the culture of every country I visit. 10.He felt worn out and stressed out,so he had to consult a psychologist. comprehensive policies restricted worldwide frequently Ⅱ.词形变化填空 1.With time going by,more and more countries have realized that a _____(sustain) development is vital for human beings. 2.Tom’s visit makes me delighted because I can chat with him to improve my spoken English.(frequent) 3.The people in that country are for foreign aid.Over three hundred people have died of since the beginning of the year. (starve) sustainable frequent frequently starving starvation 4.All family members should live in with each other,because a good and environment at home is necessary for a child’s growth.(harmony) 5.Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap some of the heat,keeping Earth’s climate warm and (habitat). harmony harmonious habitable Ⅲ.完成句子 1. your passion and kindness can bridge the gap between you and others. 几乎没有疑问,你的热情和善良可以弥合你和他人之间的隔阂。 2.Without my English teacher’s encouragement and assistance,_____ . 没有英语老师的鼓励和帮助,我早就放弃学英语了。 3. she teaches in a humorous way. 她不但对我们体贴,而且还用很幽默的方式教学。 There is little doubt that I would have given up studying English Not only does she treat us with consideration but also 4.I have good news to tell you _____ in the coming National Games. 我有个好消息告诉你,我被选为即将到来的全运会的志愿者了。 5.Perhaps I could even find her a job as a shop assistant,_____ . 说不定我还可以给她找份工作,当一名商店的店员。这份工作要求英语说得好。 that I have been chosen to be a volunteer which requires better English 返 回 考点突破 核心 vi.& vt.(使)挨饿;饿死(starvation n.饥饿;挨饿;饿死) starve starve for渴望……;急需…… starve to do sth渴望做某事 starve to death饿死 starve sb/sth of sth使某人(或事物)得不到所需要的 die of/from starvation饿死;死于饥饿 1 (1)The drought has starved local farmers their grains and I appeal to everyone to donate foods or clothes to the drought-stricken area.(应用文写作之倡议书) (2 ... ...

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