
人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet Reading and Thinking学案(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:32次 大小:107527Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking 【学习目标】 1.通过分析课文,了解与互联网有关的知识和受益于互联网及网络信息安全的案例,自觉树立并践行文明用网、健康用网、安全用网和适度用网的意识。(语言能力,思维品质) 2.通过观察文章中的插图,感知文章话题大意,培养略读和查读等阅读能力,培养分析长难句的能力。(语言能力,学习能力) 【合作探究】 语篇研读 Step 1 先导入,拓展背景知识 Look at the following pictures and answer the questions. 1.What can we do by the Internet Give some examples. 2.Can we do something to help others through the Internet How 答案  1.Shopping,paying,chatting,learning,downloading software and so on. 2.Yes, we can.We can write some blogs to offer others some advice.We can teach older people to use computers and the Internet.We can start a charity website to raise money for poor children. Step 2 再精读,明确概要细节 Ⅰ.Look at the title on Page 28 and predict what the passage is probably about. 答案  The passage is probably about the great changes the Internet has brought to people's lives. 导学思路 文章标题的特点与解读 1.短小精悍,概括力强。读者可以从简短的标题中抓住核心关键词对文章内容进行预测。 2.趣味性强,有吸引力。读者可以联系已有的知识对标题的隐含意义进行预测。 3.有时不合语法,但醒目简洁。读者可根据已有的语法知识预测文章重点。 Ⅱ.Read the passage on Page 28 and match the main idea with each paragraph. (  )1.Para.1    (  )2.Para.2 (  )3.Para.3 (  )4.Para.4 (  )5.Para.5 A.Jan's feeling of life. B.The wonders of the World Wide Web. C.Jan was inspired and started an IT club to help older people. D.Jan continued to learn more about the Internet to make society better. E.The reason why Jan began to surf the Internet. 答案 1~5 BECDA Ⅲ.Read the passage on Page 28 and choose the best answers. 1.How did the people in the online community help Jan with her problems A.By donating money to her. B.By staying with her every day. C.By telling jokes to make her happy. D.By supporting her and making suggestions. 2.Why did Jan start the IT club A.To help young people not feel lonely. B.To make more money to help the poor in other countries. C.To teach older people how to use computers and the Internet. D.To help young people to learn more about computers and the Internet. 3.What's Jan's next goal A.To start a charity website to raise money for children in poor countries. B.To start a charity organisation to help old people start websites. C.To go to the poor countries to help more people. D.To enjoy the happy life on the Internet with online friends. 4.What can we learn from Jan's experiences A.The Internet can help people change their lives. B.Everyone should learn about the Internet. C.One should make himself become stronger. D.The Internet can help people to be successful. 5.What can we learn from Jan's words in the last paragraph A.She will keep offering help to other people. B.Thinking about other people's life makes her tired. C.Helping others by the Internet is a challenge for her. D.Jan's life has been greatly changed by the Internet. ... ...

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