
2024届高考英语 语法专题 表语从句课件(共62张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:24次 大小:41108062Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高/中/语/法/系/列/ 表语从句 学情分析 主语从句 宾语从句 状语从句 表语从句 学生已掌握了从句的概念, 了解了…… 知识清单 1. 什么是表语? 2. 什么是表语从句? 3. “三种桥梁”讲解表语从句引导词。 4. 由because, why, that引导表原因的表语从句。 5. 特殊系动词后面的表语从句。 彩虹卡游戏 请将红黄蓝卡配对形成正确的句子,每个卡片上的内容只能出现一次。 II Her plan The tall men It All schools am was is were are basketball players a little nervous tonight to find a job last month me now under the control of the Ministry of Education 彩虹卡游戏 II Her plan The tall men It All schools am was is were are basketball players a little nervous tonight to find a job last month me now under the control of the Ministry of Education 彩虹卡游戏 II Her plan The tall men It All schools am was is were are basketball players a little nervous tonight to find a job last month me now under the control of the Ministry of Education 彩虹卡游戏 II Her plan The tall men It All schools am was is were are basketball players a little nervous tonight to find a job last month me now under the control of the Ministry of Education 彩虹卡游戏 II Her plan The tall men It All schools am was is were are basketball players a little nervous tonight to find a job last month me now under the control of the Ministry of Education 彩虹卡游戏 II Her plan The tall men It All schools am was is were are basketball players a little nervous tonight to find a job last month me now under the control of the Ministry of Education 探索发现 请同学们观察黄色卡片里都是什么词? I am a little nervous tonight. Her plan was to find a job last month. All schools are now under the control of the Ministry of Education. It is me. The tall men were basketball players. 系动词 系动词后面的成分叫表语。 探索发现 哪种颜色的卡片是充当表语? I am a little nervous tonight. Her plan was to find a job last month. All schools are now under the control of the Ministry of Education. It is me. The tall men were basketball players. 蓝色卡片的部分称之为“表语”! 探索发现 I am a little nervous tonight. Her plan was to find a job last month. All schools are now under the control of the Ministry of Education. It is me. The tall men were basketball players. 探索发现 请同学们继续观察蓝色卡片里都是什么结构? I am a little nervous tonight. Her plan was to find a job last month. All schools are now under the control of the Ministry of Education. It is me. The tall men were basketball players. 探索发现 I am a little nervous tonight. Her plan was to find a job last month. All schools are now under the control of the Ministry of Education. It is me. The tall men were basketball players. 名词结构 形容词结构 动词不定式结构 代词 介词结构 表语的定义 表语通常由形容词、名词、代词、介词和动词的不同形式充当。 探索发现 I am a little nervous tonight. Her plan was to find a job last month. All schools are now under the control of the Ministry of Education. It is me. The tall men were basketball playe ... ...

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