
2024届高考英语 语法专题 宾语从句 课件(共133张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:30次 大小:26489315Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高/中/语/法/系/列/ 宾语从句 学情分析 语序 时态 引导词 it 做形式宾语 学生已掌握了宾语从句的概念, 了解了…… 知识清单 引导词:that that一般可以省略 两个that引导的从句同时作宾语,第一个宾从的that可省略,第二个不能 引导词:whether/if 一般情况下可以互换 与or not连用, 需用whether构成 whether or not 结构 介词+宾语从句时,用whether不用if 知识清单 形式宾语:it like 等情绪类动词 + it + 宾语从句 think 等观点类动词 + it + 宾语从句 动词 + 介词 + it + 宾语从句 听歌填词 Don't care _____ is written in your history As long as you're here with me I don't care _____ you are _____ you're from _____ you did As long as you love me Backstreet Boys what who Where What 听音填词 I don't know _____ you do these for me. I just know _____ you helped me. Now, I want to know _____ you are a good man. I believe _____ I can understand you. why how whether that 情景导入 大师兄,什么是宾语 什么又是宾语从句呀 还记得你昨天在师傅 面前,说漏嘴了吗? 情景导入 I miss Chang’e. I want to lose weight. He says that he wants to lose weight. What? 主 谓 宾 情景导入 主 谓 宾 I miss Chang’e. I want to lose weight. He says that he wants to lose weight. that 引导词 问题思考 What is object clause In what kind of situations will we use object clauses 牛刀小试 以下哪句话含有宾语从句? Money is not what lives longer than any creature on the earth. Until we can manage what is changeable but stable too, we can manage nothing else. What you are living with and cannot live without equals life. can manage 牛刀小试 以下哪句话含有宾语从句? And let’s have paid family leave, earned sick days. Let’s make sure we have affordable childcare and debt-free college. How are we gonna do it We’re gonna do it by making the wealthy pay their fair share, and close the corporate loopholes. make sure 情景导入 如何又快又准确找到 宾语从句的呢? 找出谓语,后面的句子 就是宾语从句! 引导词 主句 宾语从句 宾语从句的引导词 He said that they must travel to get the True Scriptures. that if wh- whether 主句 (师傅) 从句 (任务) 白龙马的“牢骚语录” that White-dragon-horse said that he played an important role in Journey to the West. White-dragon-horse said (that) being left is a terrible feeling and that he wanted to be taken seriously. (that) 探索发现 White-dragon-horse said that he played an important role in Journey to the West. White-dragon-horse said (that) being left is a terrible feeling and that he wanted to be taken seriously. What does “he” stand for 探索发现 White-dragon-horse said that he played an important role in Journey to the West. White-dragon-horse said (that) being left is a terrible feeling and that he wanted to be taken seriously. Is “said” a reporting verb 探索发现 White-dragon-horse said that he played an important role in Journey to the West. White-dragon-horse said (that) being left is a terrible feeling and that he wanted to be taken seriously. How do we report that In our own words or quoting it directly 探索发现 White-dragon-horse s ... ...

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