
2024届高考英语 语法专题 同位语从句 课件(共90张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:52次 大小:8320764Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高/中/语/法/系/列/ 同位语从句 学情分析 名词性从句 (主语、宾语、表语从句) 定语从句 状语从句 同位语从句 学生已掌握了从句的概念, 了解了…… 教学目标 1. 通过“猜偶像”活动了解什么是同位语; 2. 通过“中西结合”了解什么是同位语从句; 3. 通过“化装舞会”学会同位语从句的引导词; 4. 学会区分同位语从句和定语从句; 5. 通过教师情景引导,学习和巩固同位语从句用法,并能够在真实场景中运用。 知识清单 同位语的定义与作用 同位语从句的定义与作用 同位语从句的引导词 同位语从句与定语从句的区别 Who is my idol Make a Guess My idol has become an immediate hit. My idol, has become an immediate hit. 3. My idol, _____ _____, has become an immediate hit. 2. My idol, _____ has become an immediate hit. Make a Guess a dancer, a young dancer born in Henan Province a young dancer in China, 5. My idol, _____ _____ has become an immediate hit. 4. My idol, _____ _____ has become an immediate hit. Make a Guess a young dancer born in Henan Province in 1997, a member of the boy group UNIQ, 6. My idol, _____ _____ _____, has become an immediate hit. Make a Guess a boy who stood out in the National IBD Street Dance Competition at the age of 14 7. My idol, _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ has become an immediate hit. Make a Guess a young dancer born in Henan Province in 1997, the National IBD Street Dance group UNIQ, a boy who stood out in the Competition at the age of 14, a member of the boy UNIQ, 问题思考1:同学们是通过哪些信息猜测到我的偶像的? a dancer a young dancer in China a young dancer born in Henan Province in 1997 a boy who stood out in the National IBD Street Dance Competition at the age of 14 a member of the boy group UNIQ 问题思考2:这些信息都是什么结构?起到什么作用? 结构 名词 名词结构 带有从句的名词结构 作用 对my idol的年龄、性别、出生地、成就等做了补充说明。 探索发现 这个概念是 什么呢? 对my idol的年龄、性别、出生地、成就等 做了补充说明的部分,我们在英语中给它 们一个概念。 我们把它们 叫做同位语。 探索发现 同位语都可以由什么充当? 在句子里起到什么作用? 同位语一般是由一个名词、名词结构或者 代词充当,对前面的名词或代词起解释说明、 补充信息的作用,与前面的名词或代词是 相同的人或物。 小试牛刀 思考题:下列句子里,哪些词分别对 we / his father / them 做了补充说明? We are the parents. His father is Mr. White. Each of them bought a watermelon. 1. We are the parents. 2. His father is Mr. White. 3. Each of them bought a watermelon. His father, _____ , is sleeping now. They _____ bought a watermelon. We _____ should be patient with kids. 请补充完整以下句子里的同位语 parents Mr. White each 小试牛刀 Find out the apposition structure in the following sentences: 1. We Chinese people are brave and hardworking. 2. He is interested in sports, especially ball games. 3. Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of my brother’s. Jill’s a mom - a military mom - and an educator. ——— Joe Biden 小试牛刀 Find out the apposition structure in the following sentences: 语法探究 Since that moment, I have been tormented day and night by the f ... ...

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