
2024届高考英语 语法专题 时态课件(共87张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:59次 大小:56417064Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高/中/语/法/系/列/ 时态 学情分析 学生了解各个基本时态,但是还不会具体运用和辨析 教学目标 通过情景导入,学生将能够清晰了解各个时态含义,构成和用法 通过教师情景引导,学会辨析各个时态,并能够在真实场景中运用 知识清单 各个时态含义,构成和用法 易混淆时态辨析:现在完成时,一般过去时 小笑话 Dumb guy : Why are all these people running Man: This is a race, and the winner will get the cup. Dumb guy: If only the winner will get the cup, why are the others running 小笑话 Teacher: "I killed a person." Convert this sentence into future tense. Dumb guy: The future tense is, "You will go to jail." 小笑话 -What‘s the past tense of “new” -“Old!” 问题思考 什么是时态? A tense is a form of a verb which shows the time at which an action happens. It comes from the Latin word "tempus", which means "time". 情景导入 讨论 Thank you all for being here. Thank you. I appreciate you being here on this gorgeous (非常令人愉快的) day in a magnificent (极好的), magnificent setting, until you think about all the lives that were lost here. Please, all have a seat. On July 4th, 1863, American woke to the remains of perhaps the most consequential (重要的) battle in American soil. It took place here on this ground in Gettysburg — three days of violence, three days of carnage (大屠杀), 50,000 casualties (伤亡者), wounded, captured, missing, or dead, over three days of fighting. 讨论 When the sun rose on that Independence Day, Lee would retreat. The war would go on for nearly two more years, but the back of the Confederacy (联盟) had been broken. The Union would be saved. Slavery would be abolished, government of, by and for the people would not perish from the earth, and freedom would be born anew in our land. There’s no more fitting place than here today in Gettysburg, to talk about the cost of division. About how much it has cost America in the past, about how much it is costing us now, and about why I believe in this moment, we must come together as a nation. 问题思考 How many tenses are mentioned in the video Can you name some Why did he use different tenses Thank you all for being here. Thank you. I appreciate you being here on this gorgeous (非常令人愉快的) day in a magnificent (极好的), magnificent setting, until you think about all the lives that were lost here. Please, all have a seat. There’s no more fitting place than here today in Gettysburg, to talk about the cost of division. About how much it has cost America in the past, about how much it is costing us now, and about why I believe in this moment, we must come together as a nation. What tenses are used in the sentences 探索发现 There are three tenses, namely simple present tense, present continuous tense and present perfect tense. What tenses are used in the red parts 探索发现 They are different in forms and usages. Can you tell the differences and make an explanation Thank you all for being here. Thank you. I appreciate you being here on this gor ... ...

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