
2024小升初英语话题复习:5 A Letter to the Teacher【人与社会】课件+素材(28张PPT)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:65次 大小:81719220Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 小升初话题写作 之人与社会 A Letter to the Teacher 教学目标 通过趣味视频,学生能够回忆自己最难忘的一位老师, 引出本课的写作主题; 通过四格法及问题引导,学生能够构建写作框架并组织语言; 通过修改打磨及复习书信格式,学生能够更好地掌握书信写作。 Engage part 1 Let’s watch. Answer the questions: 1.Do you like the teacher in the video Why 2.Do you have a teacher that impressed you a lot(让你印象深刻) 3. If you can write a letter to your favourite teacher, what will you say Brainstorm A Letter to the Teacher 写信的原因 写信的目的 美好的祝愿 … Study part 2 先按照四格法把想写的内容进行分类。 圆圈图已经帮助我们打开了思维,接下来要怎么做呢? 对啦! 那你来试试吧。 Let’s think. Let’s think. A Letter to the Teacher 信件开头 写信的原因 写信的目的 美好的祝愿 Let’s think. 是用提问的方式。 还记得我们是如何引出内容的吗? 没错!接下来试着提问吧。 Let’s think. A Letter to the Teacher 1.Which teacher do you want to write to 2.Why do you write this letter? 3. What’s your purpose (目的) 4.What’s your wish 信件开头 写信的原因 写信的目的 美好祝愿 Let’s think. A Letter to the Teacher 1. Which teacher do you want to write to 2.Why do you write this letter? 3. What’s your purpose (目的) 4.What’s your wish Let’s answer. Which teacher do you want to write to I want to write to Miss White. Let’s think. A Letter to the Teacher 1.Which teacher do you want to write to 2.Why do you write this letter? 3. What’s your purpose (目的) 4.What’s your wish Let’s answer. Why do you write this letter I heard that she is ill. I feel worried about her. Let’s think. A Letter to the Teacher 1.Which teacher do you want to write to 2.Why do you write this letter? 3. What’s your purpose (目的) 4.What’s your wish Let’s answer. What’s your purpose I want to tell Miss White to have a good rest and drink some hot water. Let’s think. A Letter to the Teacher 1.Which teacher do you want to write to 2.Why do you write this letter? 3. What’s your purpose (目的) 4.What’s your wish Let’s answer. What’s your wish I wish she could get better soon. We want to have her class. Let’s answer. 接下来,我们把回答放进每个格子看看。 OK. Let’s think. A Letter to the Teacher 1.Which teacher do you want to write to 2.Why do you write this letter 3. What’s your purpose? 4.What’s your wish I want to write to Miss White. I heard that she is ill. I feel worried about her. I wish she could get better soon. We want to have her class. I want to tell Miss White to have a good rest and drink some hot water. Let’s answer. 想一想,我们能够直接按照回答来写吗? 不能。 为什么? 因为这是一封信件,文中应该把“她”换成“你”。 那我们试着写一写吧。别忘了信件的格式哦。 Let’s draft. Dear Miss White, I heard that you are(she is) ill. I feel worried about you(her). I want to tell you(Miss White) to have a good rest and drink some hot water. I wish you(she) could get better soon. We want to have your(her) class. Yours, Sarah Let’s polish. Dear M ... ...

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