
人教新目标Go For It! 八年级下册 Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents? Section A 3a-3c (共19张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:99次 大小:715446Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section A 3a-3c Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents R·八年级下册 Words and expressions: get on with, relation, communication, argue, cloud, elder, instead, whatever, nervous, offer, proper, secondly, communicate, explain, clear Ability aims: Use the knowledge we learned to talk about the problems and difficulties about family. Give others advice and learn to choose the right advice. Emotional aims: learn to solve the problems in their lives properly. Learning objectives Brainstorm We all have problems in our daily life. Say as many problems as you can! I have too much homework. I have too many after-school classes. I get into a fight with my brother. I argue with my best friend. I can’t get good grades in English. I can’t hang out with friends. The relation is very difficult. I can’t get on well with my parents. Problems 与……吵架 关系 和睦相处 Give advice You should/shouldn’t do sth. Why don’t you… Why not… What/How about + V-ing Warming up Can you get on well with your family Are the relations between your parents good Pre-reading Letter 1 Letter 2 a school counselor ['ka ns l ] Who are arguing Letter 1: find out the mind idea Talk about family problems, and ask for advice Sad and thirteen’s family problems Can’t _____ with parents They _____ a lot, and I really don’t like it. It’s the only _____ they have. When they argue, it’s like a _____ cloud _____ our home. My elder brother _____ very _____ to me. He always _____ to let me watch my favorite TV show. _____ he watches _____ he wants until late at night. Feeling: _____ get on with fight communication big, black hanging over isn’t nice refuses Instead whatever unfair Letter 2 What is the letter talking about A. Advice B. Problems 1. Who is giving him advice 2. How many pieces of advice does Mr. Hunt give Robert Hunt. Six. Two five Read and answer the questions. Read Letter 2 and complete the mind-map. It’s _____ to have these feelings. advice parents elder brother 1.Why don’t you_____these feelings with your family 2. You should_____if your parents are having problems. 3. Maybe you could_____ so that they have more time for _____. 1. Why don’t you sit down and _____ him 2. You should _____ that you don’t ____ him watching TV all the time. 3. He should ___ you _____ your favorite show. normal talk about offer to help do more jobs proper communication communicate with explain mind let watch The general idea of the passage is about ( ) A. the relation with parents. B. the relation with brother. C. the problems with family and how to deal with them. C Read and judge. 1. Sad and Thirteen can get on well with his family. 2. Sad and Thirteen’s brother is not nice to him. 3. It is not fair between Sad and Thirteen and his brother when they watch TV. 4. Mr Hunt thinks Sad and thirteen can talk about his feelings with his family. 5. Sad and thirteen shouldn’t sit down and communicate with his brother. Sum up so ... ...

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