
人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 4 History and Traditions Reading for Writing课件(共12张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:92次 大小:37384651Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Recommend a Historic City Reading for Writing What historic city do you want to visit Why Athens 雅典 Xi’an London Beijing … Lead-in John received an e-mail from Sally who is a history lover. Sally asked him to recommend a historic city in China to her as her next destination. Writing Task Q: What’s Sally’s email about Sally’s travel to Athens Q1: What kind of city is Athens Pre-writing Acropolis 雅典卫城 column 圆柱 Old Quarter of Plaka 普拉卡老城区 Q2: What are mainly mentioned about Sally’s travel in the e-mail “There is so much ancient history to explore here.” an ancient city with rich history Function Q3: What are Sally’s activities in Athens Q4: What do these activities have in common Pre-writing Sally’s activities in Athens These activities can all help Sally experience _____. the local history, culture and traditions. Q5: What activity impresses/attracts you the most Why Writing skills Rhetorical devices(simile明喻,metaphor暗喻,hyperbole夸张…) List numbers Use quotes … Brainstorm: choose one historic city and discuss what history or culture-related activities you can do there. Pre-writing Xi’an Beijing Visit Terracotta Army Visit Shaanxi History Museum Enjoy Biangbiang Noodles/mutton paomo Attend a temple fair(庙会) Visit the Palace Museum Visit the Summer Palace Enjoy roast duck/tanghulu/hotpot Watch flag-raising ceremony Visit historic sites/tourist attractions Enjoy local food Experience local customs/traditions BODY:General introduction of a city 北京是中国的首都,以其漫长的历史而闻名。 北京位于中国的北方,有(with)漫长的历史和丰富的文物。 北京在国内外享有盛誉。 Beijing is the capital of China, known for its long history. Beijing is located in/ lies in the north of China, with a long history and abundant cultural relics. Beijing enjoys a great reputation at home and abroad BODY: Travel activities 总起:在北京,你可以做各种各样不同的事情。 首先,你可以参观景点比如故宫,这肯定会让你打开眼界. 不仅如此,你还可以品尝北京的炸酱面,必然会给你留下深刻印象。 There are various activities you can do in Beijing. First of all, you can pay a visit to the Palace Museum, which will definitely open you eyes. What’s more, you can also enjoy a bowl of zhajiang noodles, which will surely leave a deep impression. 领略…的魅力 appreciate the charm of… 给…带来极大的方便 bring great convenience (to)… 开阔眼界 expand/broaden one’s horizon/open one's eyes 提供做…的机会 …offer you a chance to … 必然会促进你对....的理解… … is bound to promote your understanding of …. …一定会给你留下深刻的印象。…will definitely leave a deep impression on you. 一定会给你独特的体验 will surely give you unique experiece Para 1:Beginning 听说你要来中国玩了,我非常开心(more than delighted)给你推荐(recommend)北京作为你的旅游第一站。 我很激动(thrilled)听到你对中国的历史名城很感兴趣。我给你写信是为了告诉你北京是我的最佳推荐(top recommendation)。 Hearing that you are coming to China, I am more t ... ...

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