
【小升初真题汇编】02 词汇辨析--2023-2024学年小升初真题汇编(译林版三起)(含解析)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:14次 大小:350189Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 小升初真题汇编 02 词汇辨析 (含答案) 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、单选题 1.(2023下·江苏南通·六年级校考小升初模拟)I’ll go to the US with my family. We’ll visit _____ there. ( ) A.Stonehenge B.the Grand Canyon C.Niagara Fall 2.(2023下·江苏南通·六年级校考小升初模拟)I want to help Nancy _____ the paper _____ a kite. ( ) A.reuse; to make B.reuses; to make C.reuse; make 3.(2023下·江苏南通·六年级校考小升初模拟)Sam brings some water quickly and _____ it _____ the hole. ( ) A.pour; to B.pours; into C.pour; into 4.(2023下·江苏淮安·六年级校考小升初模拟)We have different plans _____ the summer holiday. ( ) A.on B.with C.for 5.(2023下·江苏淮安·六年级校考小升初模拟)She _____ to be an _____. ( ) A.want; astronaut B.will; pianist C.wants; astronaut 6.(2023上·江苏淮安·六年级校考小升初模拟)In the US, people call the metro _____. ( ) A.train B.subway C.underground 7.(2022下·江苏南通·六年级校考小升初模拟)Dancing makes people _____ and _____. ( ) A.healthy; happy B.healthily; happily C.healthy; happily 8.(2022下·江苏南通·六年级校考小升初模拟)The basketball game is _____, and we are watching it _____. ( ) A.excited; exciting B.exciting; excitedly C.excited; excitedly 9.(2022下·江苏南通·六年级校考小升初模拟)We can find the Great Barrier Reef _____. ( ) A.in the US B.in Australia C.in the UK 10.(2022下·江苏南通·六年级校考小升初模拟)—How can we _____ home ( ) —We can take the metro. A.get to B.get C.go to 11.(2023下·江苏南通·六年级校考小升初模拟)To cross the road _____, we should learn about road _____. ( ) A.safe; safely B.safely; safety C.safely; safe 12.(2022·江苏镇江·统考小升初真题)—Can you make a sentence _____ “news” ( ) —Yes, I can. A.on B.for C.with 13.(2022·江苏宿迁·统考小升初真题)Music makes people happy. I want to be a(an) _____. ( ) A.pianist B.dentist C.writer D.astronaut 14.(2022·江苏淮安·统考小升初真题)I _____ some chocolate _____ the shop yesterday evening. ( ) A.bought; to B.bought; from C.bought; about 15.(2022·江苏淮安·统考小升初真题)Each student _____ some cakes on the desk. ( ) A.has B.have C.is 16.(2022·江苏宿迁·统考小升初真题)You’re a clever boy. Your idea _____ very nice. ( ) A.listens B.hears C.sounds 17.(2022·江苏宿迁·统考小升初真题)Can you _____ a bird _____ the tree ( ) A.see; in B.look; in C.see; on 18.(2022·江苏宿迁·统考小升初真题)Where are you going _____ ( ) A.yesterday B.tonight C.before 19.(2022·江苏·六年级小升初模拟)—Will you go to the UK with your family next month ( ) —_____. A.Yes, we’ll go to see the Great Barrier Reef B.Yes, we’ll visit Niagara Falls C.Yes, we’ll go to Buckingham Palace 20.(2022·江苏·六年级小升初模拟)Liu Tao has a _____ habit. He always puts his things _____ order. ( ) A.bad; in B.good; in C.bad; on 21.(2022·江苏·六年级小升初模拟)Let’s make some _____ for the birthday party. ( ) A.plans B. ... ...

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