
Module 1 Travel Unit 2 导学案(无答案) 2023-2024学年外研版英语九年级下册

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:22次 大小:96050Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 It's a long story. 课前预习 请预习下列重点单词、短语和句子,并完成下面的表格及相关训练。 重点单词 名词 1.先生;长官 _____ (n.)女士;夫人 _____ 2.短上衣;夹克 _____ 3.警察;军官;官员 _____ (n.)办公室 _____ 形容词 4.笨的;糊涂的 _____ (近义词) _____ 重点短语 1.相互道别 _____ 2.(告别用语)多保重 _____ 3.坐错座位 _____ 4.把某物准备好 _____ 5.对做某事感到惊讶 _____ 6.脱去 _____ 根据语境或提示,完成填空。 1.The _____(军官) ordered his soldiers to fire. 2.Would you like to try this _____(夹克) on 3.How s_____ of me! I made so many mistakes. 4._____(照顾,照看) yourself.I will miss you. 5.When the teacher walked p_____ the window, all the students in the classroom fell quiet. 佳句仿写 请在教材中标出下面的句子,并用句中黑体词或短语仿写句子。 1.Because he is too tired to move. 2.I'm afraid you're sitting in my seat. 3.Now, take off your jacket. 4.Please have your tickets ready. 5.He is surprised to see Li Lin. 仿写练习 我妹妹太小了还不会说话。 _____ 恐怕他今晚不能参加会议了。 _____ 请你在进房间之前脱掉鞋子。 _____ 你能帮我把聚会上的东西都准备好吗? _____ 他昨晚在音乐会上看到我很吃惊。 _____ 基础练习 一、略读 快速阅读对话,并回答下面的问题。 Q: What is the play mainly about A: _____ _____ 二、详读 通读全文,用完整句子回答下列问题。 1.When will Li's family meet _____ 2.What's Li Lin's ticket number _____ 3.Why is the elderly man sitting in Li Lin's seat _____ 4.What does the elderly man want to do when he realises he takes a wrong seat _____ 5.What does the elderly man think of himself _____ 三、深读 请全面理解课文内容,并完成下列各小题。 A.选择填空 (  )1.Who finds that the elderly man goes to the wrong car A.The elderly man. B.Li Lin. C.Wen Peng. D.The ticket officer. (  )2.How does Wen Peng feel when he sees Li Lin on the train A.He feels surprised. B.He feels interested. C.He feels unhappy. D.He feels stupid. B.分享观点 读完对话,请围绕以下问题用两三句话分享你的看法。 Q: If you were Li Lin, what would you do _____ 四、读后回顾 A.短文填空:请根据课本内容,完成短文填空。 Li Lin is going on a trip.After saying goodbye to Li Wei, his sister,he gets on the train to 1._____ for his seat. But he finds 2._____ old man sitting in his seat.Li Lin tells the old man that he has 3._____ the wrong seat.The old man looks for 4._____ ticket and finally finds the ticket in the wallet.His ticket shows Car 9, Seat 12A.5._____ now he is in Car 8.The ticket officer comes and explains to him.When the old man gets up and starts to collect his bags, Li Lin offers to 6._____ his seat with the old man.The old man thanks him a lot. When Li Lin finds Car 9, Seat 12A, his friend Wen Peng, sitting in Seat 12B, is 7._____ to see him.They can talk to each other 8._____ the long journey. B.复述课文:根据下面的线索复述文章大意。 知识点 I'm afraid you're sitting in my seat. 【自主探究】 I'm afraid (that)...意为“恐怕……”,afraid后接that从句,that可以省略。 知识点 be afraid of (doing) sth.害怕(做)某事;be afraid ... ...

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