
河北石家庄2023-2024学年七年级下学期期中考前模拟卷02 英语试题(含解析)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:78次 大小:87327Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024学年七年级下学期期中考前模拟卷02 英语 (考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:100分) 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在本试卷上无效。 3.回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 4.测试范围:七年级下册Unit1-6。 5.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、单项(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.Are you free ___July A.in B.at C.for D.with 2.Is this ___ elephant or ___ lion A.an; a B.a; an C.an ; an D.a ,a 3.He can swim very well, _____ he doesn't want to join the club. A.and B.but C./ D.or 4.____ you get up early A.Do B.Is C.Does D.Are 5.I often take a bus to school, but I go to school by bike. A.some time B.sometime C.some times D.sometimes 6.It us about two hours to get there. A.spent B.took C.cost D.made 7.Alice wants to learn this Sunday.Can you help her A.swim B.swims C.to swim D.swam 8.Sorry,you play basketball in the classroom. A.can't B.don't C.don't have toD.aren't 9.—_____ do you read English newspaper —I read them every day. A.How long B.How much C.How often D.How far 10.Don't talk here.Grandparents _____. A.is sleeping B.are sleeping C.sleeping D.sleep 二、完形填空(本大题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) Ann is an 11-year-old girl. She likes music, and she can sing well. In her free time, she often sings for her friends. This term she wants to 11. the school music club. There are many students in the club. They think 12. can make them happy. Ann thinks so, too. And she wants to start a music club one day. Frank and Cindy are Ann's friends. Frank likes reading 13. storybooks are his favorite. He often 14. stories to his classmates after class. They enjoy listening to him. He also 15. stories. His stories are very interesting, so he has many fans(迷) in his 16. . His classmates all like to read his stories. Cindy is good at 17. . And she is in her school's art club: Next Friday, she will have an art show at the school art festival. She hopes all the students like her 18. . These 3 friends are very nice. They are 19. children. Every weekend, they help at the children's home. Ann usually sings for them. Frank tells them stories. And Cindy teaches them 20. to draw well. All the children like them. 11.A.start B.join C.call D.visit 12.A.music B.sports C.work D.art 13.A.but B.or C.because D.and 14.A.enjoys B.makes C.tells D.watches 15.A.remembers B.reads C.plays D.writes 16.A.class B.family C.office D.city 17.A.swimming B.dancing C.singing D.drawing 18.A.clothes B.songs C.pictures D.stories 19.A.good at B.good for C.good with D.good on 20.A.where B.how C.why D.when 三、阅读理解(本大题有20小题,每小题2分,共40分) A Jenny and Henry were born on the same day and they look the same. Their father has a taxi and he ... ...

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