
人教八下基础知识默写练习+话题写作Unit 9(含答案)

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:60次 大小:208132Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    UNIT 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section A (1a-4c) 重点单词 1.camera 2.unbelievable 3.progress 4.rapid  5.unusual 6.toilet 7.encourage 8.social  9.peaceful 10.perfect 11.itself 12.collect  13.German 14.ride 15.province 单词变形 1.believable;unbelievable 2.rapidly 3.unusual 4.encourage;encouragement 5.socially;society 6.peaceful;peacefully 7.collection  8.Germany 9.rode;ridden 重点短语 1.amusement park 2.tea art 3.tea set 4.a couple of 重点句型 learned 2.have never been 3.enjoyable Section B (1a-Self Check) 重点单词 1.thousand 2.safe 3.simply 4.fear 5.whether  6.Indian 7.Japanese 8.fox  9.whenever 10.spring 11.mostly 单词变形 1.safety 2.simply 3.Indian 4.Japanese 重点短语 1.thousands of 2.Southeast Asia 3.take a holiday 4.more than 5.on the one hand… on the other hand … 6.English speaking country 7.whether… or…  8.natural environment 9.all year round 重点句型 1.It;to go to a zoo when it's dark  2.all year round 话题写作 写作1:世界这么大,我想去看看,这句网络流行语也道出了你的心声吧!熟悉的地方没有风景,风景在远方,让我们背起行囊去旅行吧!现在我们一起介绍一下自己去过的印象最深的地方。 Dear Sam, Thanks for your e -mail. I'm glad to hear that you're coming to Harbin, China. Now let me tell you something about it. Harbin is in the northeast of China. Here the weather in winter is very cold, but it's not hot in summer. Beautiful Sun Island is a great place to go and get away from the heat. If you'd like to swim or boat, the wonderful Songhua River is your best choice. If you hope to see a great view of the whole city, why not consider going to the tall Dragon Tower If you'd love to go shopping, please visit Zhongyang Street. Oh! You can also visit the St. Sophia Church. It's very peaceful there. Welcome to Harbin! Yours, Li Hua 写作2: 假设英语课上将以“家乡的名胜”为话题展开讨论,请你根据下面表格中的信息,用英语写一篇发言稿,介绍中国十大历史文化名街之一的福州三坊七巷。 Three Lanes and Seven Alleys in Fuzhou is among the top ten historical and cultural streets of China. ①It lies in the city center and the traffic is convenient. ②It's famous for old buildings in the style of the Ming and Qing Dynasty. Many famous persons in history used to live here. ②Their former homes are well protected and attract lots of people from home and abroad. ②There're wonderful folk custom shows ③that pass on the culture of Fuzhou. ④Besides, the tourists can enjoy different kinds of delicious foods and special local products. I'm proud of this great place of interest in my hometown. It's well worth visiting. ①It lies in…介绍景点的位置,为下文做了铺垫。 ②It's famous for…,Their fomer homes are well protected and attract lots of people…,There're wonderful folk custom shows…等句型的使用,把文章的主干部分恰当地叙述出来,给文章增色不少。 ③that定语从句的运用,作者注意了简单句和复合句的交替使用,提升了文章档次。 ④besides连接上下文,使文章紧凑连贯,值得我们学习。 1UNIT 9 Have you ... ...

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