
人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection Reading and Thinking 课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:64次 大小:39681280Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit3 Environmental Protection CLIMATE CHANGE REQUIRES THE WORLD’S ATTENTION Reading and Thinking 第十八期核心突破完形填空救助一条得了兽疥癣的小狗的描写片段 It was more than half dead,starved to bones.It wandered aimlessly with its thin fur worn away swinging in the cold wind. What caused polar bear to undergo such heartbreaking changes What information can we get from the graph The graph shows the change in the Global Surface Temperature between 1920 and 2016. Temperature Anomaly(n.异常) The Global Surface temperature is abnormal and rising. Para 2: An example of climate change climate change starvation longer food-seeking travel lack of food low sea-ice level The following reasons account for the death of the polar bear. Read paragraph 2 and put them in a correct logical order. What is the root cause Para 1 Read for details. The Earth is getting warmer and warmer. Evidence 3: _____ melting ice rising sea levels climate change Evidence 1: _____ a warming ocean and atmosphere Evidence 2: _____ Read for details Cause (para.3) natural man-made Definition Heat from the sun enters the _____ and warms Earth’s _____ as _____-wave radiation. Function Keeping Earth’s warm and_____ Definition People produce huge amounts of_____ greenhouse gases by burning_____. A big problem More _____ energy is trapped in the atmosphere and causes Earth’s surface tempreature to _____ quickly. habitable extra fossil fuels atmosphere surface short heat rise Greenhouse Effect Read paragraph 3 and describe how the greenhouse effect works. Sunrays enters the earth’s atmosphere, ____1_____(pass) through the layer of greenhouse ____2_____(gas). The earth’s surface ____3_____(consume) the energy from the sun. This energy ____4_____(send) back into the atmosphere. Some part of this energy passes back__5____space,____6____most of it remains trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases. ___7_____(cause) our world to get necessary heat. So ____8_____(nature) process and balance of energy and heat in _9_____ environment was ____10_____(proper) maintained Sunrays enters the earth’s atmosphere, ____1_____(pass) through the layer of greenhouse ____2_____(gas). The earth’s surface ____3_____(consume) the energy from the sun. This energy ____4_____(send) back into the atmosphere. Some part of this energy passes back__5____space,____6____most of it remains trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases. ___7_____(cause) our world to get necessary heat. So ____8_____(nature) process and balance of energy and heat in _9_____ environment was ____10_____(proper) maintained passing gases consumes is sent into but Causing natural the properly Read paragraph 3 and describe how the greenhouse effect works. Heat released back into space Heat reflected back to Earth’s surface Reflected sunlight Atmosphere Sunlight Part 3 (para. 4) The consequences of the rise in temperature What can we do to help reduce the global warming Shar ... ...

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