
Unit 8 Pets Task课件(共20张PPT)-2023-2024学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:89次 大小:4994409Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 7B Unit8 Task My favourite pet After this period of learning, students can: Describe pets’ lifestyles, including feeding habits, homes, likes and dislikes. 2. Write a passage about students’ favourite pet. Learning aims: Guess who I am! I have long ears. I like carrots. rabbit I love to go to the park and play with balls and sticks. Sometimes, I bark at people. dog Guess who I am! I am colorful, and I sleep with eyes open. goldfish parrot I can speak like people and sing happily. Guess who I am! mouse I am afraid of cats. Cats like eating me. I love to sleep on people’s knees. My favourite food is fish. cat yellow fur big mouth small, dark brown eyes fat Can you say something about Eddie eat too much never exercise lazy Free talk funny / friendly Amy’s favourite pet What’s the title of the passage Poppy the cat Poppy name How many paragraphs (段落) are there in this article? 1 2 3 4 5 6 What’s the main idea of each paragraph kind, name, age looks lifestyle personality pet care speciality Introduction (Para 1) My favourite pet is a cat. Her name is Poppy and she is three years old. animal kind (种类) name age Main body (Para 2) She has long, grey fur and white paws. Her eyes are green and she is quite small. She weighs about two kilograms. looks Find out adjectives to describe her appearance. What does she look like Size _____ Eyes _____ Colour _____ Fur _____ small green grey& white long Writing skill 1: adjectives(形容词) use some adjectives to make the writing vivid (生动的) Looks: fur: _____ eyes: _____ /p :/ paws: _____ size: _____ /we t/ weight: _____ white black, white, short black quite tall 10 kilograms Try to describe!(描述) His fur is _____ and is _____. He has white_____ and _____ eyes. He is _____. He _____ about _____. black and white short black quite tall 10 kilograms weighs paws Main body (Paras 3-4) Usually she eats cat food, but her favourite food is fish. She likes warm milk too. She is very friendly and quiet. She likes sleeping in a basket. Sometimes she plays with a ball. When she is hungry, she will miaow. Personality Lifestyle Poppy Lifestyle She eats _____ _____, but she likes_____ best . She drinks_____ _____. She likes_____ in a basket and _____ with a ball. When she is _____, she will _____. cat food fish warm milk sleeping playing hungry miaow Writing skill 2: conjunctions (连词) use some conjunctions to make the passage more coherent (连贯) Can you join these sentences 1.She usually eats cat food ( ) 2.I like to brush her fur ( ) 3.She will miaow ( ) 4.She plays with balls ( ) A. when she is hungry. B. and she enjoys it very much. C. if she's not sleeping. D. but she likes fish best. D B A C Main body (Para 5) I feed Poppy every day and give her clean water. I like to brush her fur and she enjoys it very much. pet care How does Amy look after Poppy? 1. Feed her every day. 2. Give her clean water. 3. Brush her fur. Writing skill 3: Examples (举 ... ...

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