
Unit 8 Pets Integrated skills课件(共20张PPT,内嵌音频)-牛津译林版英语七年级下册

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:66次 大小:6727671Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 8 Pets Integrated Skills Learning aims: After this period, the students will be able to: 1. Learn some words about describing goldfish; 2. Find the specific information by listening to the talk on goldfish. How many characters are there in the video Who are they What does Tom think of the goldfish What about Jerry Do you think the goldfish needs to eat so much Watch and answer Get to know more about goldfish. A goldfish isn’t any (1) ___t_____. A goldfish doesn’t (2) _b_____. It doesn’t (3) _m_____. rouble ark iaow It doesn’t make any noise. [n z] (不可数 n.) n. 响声;噪音 We don't have to feed her much. The goldfish are very small. [we ] vt./vi. 重…… [ɡr m] n. 克 They can weigh up to 350 grams. They can grow up to be 18 centimetres long. 长大至… A goldfish weighs 20 grams. 重达 How to look after the goldfish. Task1: True or False 1. Pick up goldfish with your hands. 2. Put your goldfish in the sun. 3. A goldfish can weigh up to 40 grams. 4. Some goldfish are black. 5. Goldfish are easy to look after. 6. Goldfish are very expensive. F Don’t F Don’t F 400 T T F not Task2: A fact sheet Task2: A fact sheet the sun your hands 400 black clean vegetables a day small 20 Task3: Finish the blanks. goldfish clean vegetables 20 400 quiet Task4: How to look after goldfish 1. pick up goldfish with our hands 2. put the goldfish in the sun 3. feed goldfish too much food ... 1. put them in clean water 2. feed them special fish food and vegetables 3. feed them once a day ... We should: We shouldn't: Do you know how to look after other pets Whose pet is this Millie Amy Peter Listen and answer: Millie’s Amy’s Peter’s Name Pet How to look after the pet Millie dog _____him in the _____ every evening. Amy cat Brush her fur _____. Peter goldfish Put them in _____ . Never _____them _____. Walk every day clean water feed too much park exercise (cn.)练习,体操 e.g. do Maths exercises/ do morning exercises brush /br / v. 刷 fur /f :/ n. (动物的)软毛, 毛皮 do/take exercise (un.)锻炼,运动 Dos: 1. keep it clean 2. give it clean water 3. feed it some grass ... Don’ts: 1. pull its ears 2. frighten (吓)it 3. feed it snacks (零食) ... How to look after other pets Dos: often clean up the cage (笼子) wash it at least once a week with water teach it to speak ... Don’ts: 1. feed it too much 2. use wooden cage(木质笼子) ... Make up a dialogue A: Do you have a pet B: Yes. It’s a …/No, but I want to have a … A: Really What does it look like B: It … A: What do you feed it B: I feed it… A: Where does it sleep B: It sleeps… A: How do you look after your pet B: I… A: What do you think of your pet B: I… Animals are our friends, we should love animals and make friends with them. We should try our best to protect them. Finish the exercises. 2. Search on the Internet for more information and learn how to keep pets. Homework:

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